租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A N5230A

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租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A 租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A


租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A 租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A

Agilent   2-Port PNA-L Microwave  Network Analyzer

N5230A      300 kHz to 6, 13.5 GHz  10 MHz to 20, 40, 50 GHz   Data Sheet

 租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A 租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A 租赁n5230a,仪器租赁,租赁N5230A

The specifications in this section apply for measurements made with the N5230A analyzer with the following conditions:
• 10 Hz IF bandwidth
• No averaging applied to data
• Isolation calibration with an averaging factor of 8
Table 1. System dynamic range1
Standard configuration and standard power range
Description Specification (dB) Typical (dB)
at test port at test port
Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option
020, 120 220 420 520 020, 120 220 420 520
300 kHz to 3 MHz3 934
3 to 10 MHz 113
10 to 45 MHz 122 103 89 89
45 to 70 MHz2 122 101 90 90
70 to 500 MHz2 122 105 90 90
500 MHz to 2 GHz 122 110 110 110
2 to 6 GHz 122 110 110 110
6 to 8 GHz 120 110 110 110
8 to 9 GHz 120 110 100 100
9 to 10.5 GHz 116 110 100 100
10.5 to 12.5 GHz 111 110 100 100
12.5 to 13.5 GHz 109 108 100 100
13.5 to 20 GHz 108 100 100
20 to 31.25 GHz 95 95
31.25 to 40 GHz 90 90
40 to 50 GHz 79
Configurable test set and extended power range
Description Specification (dB) Typical (dB)
at test port at test port
Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option
025, 125 225 425 525 025, 125 225 425 525
300 kHz to 3 MHz3 924
3 to 10 MHz 112
10 to 45 MHz 121 103 88 88
45 to 70 MHz2 121 101 90 90
70 to 500 MHz2 121 105 90 90
500 MHz to 2 GHz 121 110 110 110
2 to 6 GHz 121 110 110 110
6 to 8 GHz 120 110 110 110
8 to 9 GHz 120 110 100 100
9 to 10.5 GHz 116 110 100 100
10.5 to 12.5 GHz 111 110 100 100
12.5 to 13.5 GHz 108 108 100 100
13.5 to 20 GHz 108 100 100
20 to 31.25 GHz 92 92
31.25 to 40 GHz 87 87
40 to 50 GHz 75
1. The system dynamic range is calculated as the difference between the noise floor and the
specified source maximum output power. The effective dynamic range must take measurement uncertainties and interfering signals into account.
2. May be degraded typically by 10 dB at particular frequencies (multiples of 5 MHz) below 500 MHz due to spurious receiver residuals. Methods are available to regain the full dynamic range.
3. May be limited by crosstalk at certain frequencies below 3 MHz.
4. Value and frequency band changed July 2006.




   销售联系人:姚小姐:电话    QQ:1946418560    技术联系人:廖先生  QQ785298834





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