江苏常州市瑞明仪表厂 公司图片


        其主要产品有:玻璃棒式温度计;金属套温度计;玻璃内标式温度计;精密温度计;双金属温度计;电接点双金属温度计;万向型双金属温度计;鱼缸温度计;比重计;寒暑表;湿度计;纸板温度计;温度计表芯;矿山用温度计;石油温度计;气象用玻璃温度计;电接点温度计(导电表);压力式温度计;远传压力式温度计;WTY-1031耐震远传压力式温度计;压力表;玻璃转子流量计;数字显示仪;热电阻;热电偶;涡街流量计;YSZ系列扩散硅压力变送器;UHC系列磁性浮子式液位计;U型压力计;金属管浮子流量计;数字温度计;液晶温度计;塑料温度计;木头温度计;铁罐温度计;磁铁温度计;手摇湿度计;模具���度计;涂装温度计;表面温度计;室内温度计;寒暑表;水温计;洗澡温度计;二等标准水银温度计;烧烤温度计;烤箱温度计;冰箱温度计;设备温度计;*高*低温度计;*大*小温度计;干湿计;玻璃浮计(酒精计;糖度计;十支组糖度计;附温糖度计;婆美计;密度计;海水密度计;电液密度计;乳 汁 计)医用高压氧舱玻璃转子流量计;TGL型钢瓶流量计;TZLM-01型自力式流量调节器;LZBK型玻璃转子流量计指示控制器;LFZB型分流玻璃转子流量计;LZB-( )U型聚砜管转子流量计;留点温度计;**指针式温湿表等上万个品种。




Below is details english format:

We specialize in designing, researching, processing, manufacturering and selling all kinds of Glass Thermometers,Industrial Thermometers and Household Thermometers etc. Our products are widely used in chemical industry, pharmacy industry, food industry, machinery industry, education systems and so on. Our products mainly includes Liquid In Glass Thermometer, Pocket Thermometer, Bimetal Thermometer, Hydrometer, Industrial Thermometers, Capillary Thermometer, Family using Thermometer, Bath Thermometer, Wall Thermometer, Glass Thermometer Accessory and Cardboard Thermometers etc with good quality and very competitive price, mostly for overseas markets.

Our products are widely used in chemical industry, pharmacy industry, food industry, machinery industry, education systems and so on.

With rich experience in pressure gauges and thermometer and good service, we could take care of your request without mistake and assure the quality and delivery in time. We have satisfied and reliable customers all over the world. We look forward to meeting your needs

  • 联 系 人: 刘国强先生(总经理)
  • 联系电话:0519-85606510
  • 联系传真:0519-85715316
  • 手机:13861004609
  • Email:
  • 网址:
  • QQ:30572695