The 15th International Exhibition on Surfactant &  




The 15th International Exhibition on Surfactant & Detergent
Date: Apr. 9-11, 2014 

Venue:ShanghaiEverbright Convention andExhibition Center,China


Interpretation of the latest academic developments and innovations

Sole professional fair of surfactants and detergents

Exhibit Latest products and technology of surfactants and detergents

Organizers: China Research Institute of Daily Chemical Industry  

Contractor:ChinaInformationCenterof Daily Chemical Industry 

Shanghai Yihan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

Co-organizers: China National EngineeringResearchCenter of Surfactant   
China National Quality Supervision andInspectionCenterof Detergents     
              ChinaNational Technical Committee for Standardization of Surfactants and Detergents 
Exhibition Introduction
IESD Expo 2014 International Exhibition on Surfactants and Detergents will be held at Shanghai Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center on April 9 - 11, 2014The theme of events is "Focus on Industrial Upgrading  Serve for Industry Development"This event will introduce the new trends of International Exhibition on Surfactants and Detergents industry, showcasing current surfactants and detergents industry's most advanced technologies and products, has become important events for domestic and oversea surfactants and detergent products manufacturers, agents, distributors to extending market, learning industry information, understanding today's international market fashion trends, the latest technology.
Review on last exhibition
The Fourteenth International Exhibition of Surfactants and Detergents was held in Shanghai on April 12 - April 12, 2013, which attracted suppliers and industrial elites around the world to gather in Shanghai to discuss about new development trends and directions of the industry. In the efforts of the organizers, the exhibition made gratifying achievements based on the support of existing customers and positive response of new customers. 163exhibitors from 13 countries and regions showed their new products, new technologies and new achievements in the three-day exhibition to over 6572 professional visitors from China, India, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, the United States, Britain, Germany and other places. The exhibition gathered lots of brands in the world including SABIC, GOC, Rhodia, Milliken, KLK, Nanjing alkyl factory, Zhejiang Zanyu, Liaoning Oxiran, etc. The exhibition not only focuses on the investigation of new technologies and environmentally friendly products, but also pays more attention to exchanges with international enterprises in the same industry. 
Win-win cooperation is achieved relying on the strong exhibition resources
In this year, the organizing committee will further strengthen the investment, and strengthens the campaign for overseas professional purchasers through the promotion on guideboards, websites, television, newspapers and similar overseas exhibitions and media, and enhances the popularity and influence of the exhibition through various forms of publicity. Meanwhile, the organizing committee will also organize targeted domestic and foreign professional purchasers to visit, negotiate and purchase, providing the one to one service according to the needs of exhibitors and professional purchasers to create opportunities to promote both parties deep cooperation.    

ICSD conference - exhibition held at the same period

2014 International Conference of Surfactants and Detergents (ICSD)  will be held at the same period with the exhibition. ICSD conference was established in 1990, and has been successfully held for twelve times.  More than 400 delegates from 14 countries and region attended ICSD 2012 International Conference of Surfactants and Detergents, high academic standards, extensive influence at home and abroad have attracted much attention. business circle and academic circle in the global surfactant and detergent industry from 17 countries and regions have attended the four-day conference.
 AsChina's highest standard, the greatest influence of surfactants and detergent field of international academic and technical event, the biennial ICSD attract more domestic and foreign of companies, universities, government agencies, industry associations with its unique charisma and influence. and the active participation of people in the industry, and becoming one of the most important channels and bridges to exchange and communicate in the field of surfactants and detergents for China and the world. (Sponsorship program available)


Papers topics

1 Status & trend of global surfactant and detergent industry;
2 Status & trend of Chinese surfactant and detergent industry;
3 Development & application of functional and green surfactants
4 Application of surfactants in personal care products
5 Application and market of surfactants in various industries (such as leather, textile, construction materials, paper making, petroleum, water
treatment and medicine etc.);
6 Development & application of special surfactants;
7 Formulation and manufacturing technology in washing products;
8 Development situations of detergent builders;
9 Laws and regulations of surfactants and related products;
10 Other related contents on surfactant


        Silicone surfactants, bio-surfactants, fluorinated surfactants and other special surfactants: large and wide green anionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, zwitterion surfactants: new and green surfactants, such as Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Ethoxylates (FMEE), Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Sulfonate (MES), Alkyl Polyglycosides (APG) and monoethanolamine succinylosuccinic ester;
        Alkyl benzene (AB), Ethylene Oxide (EO), Propylene Oxide (PO), Nonyl phenol (NP), Octyl phenol (OP), Ethylene Glycol (EG), Ethanolamine, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Ethylene Amine (EA), Fatty Acids, Fatty Alcohols, Fatty Amines, Fatty Acid Methyl Ester;
       Detergents: sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium silicate, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate, brightener, enzyme-based agents, raw materials of wash & chemistry and its intermediate product;
        Personal and home care products: (perfumed) soap, washing powder, liquid detergent, shower gel, hand sanitizer, cleanser essence, detergents, industrial, commercial, residential washing equipments;
        Packaging technology, materials and mechanical equipment of daily chemical products;
        Other compound surfactants, detergents and research and patented technology of various surfactants and detergents;


 Standard booth cost: Section A2800 USD/standard booth (9m2 each);
            Section B: 10800 RMB/ standard booth (9m2 each);
A standard booth includes carpet, 3-side walls, fascia board with company name, 1 information desk, two chairs, one fluorescent lamp, one power socket (please advise in advance for special power consumption, which will be charged separately). 
 Raw space cost: Section A: 280 USD /m2 (min. 18m2)  Section B: 1100 RMB /m2 (min. 36m2);
Raw space does not contain any racks and facilities. The participants can arrange special decoration on their own or authorize the construction company recommended by the organizer.
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        Packaging technology, materials and mechanical equipment of daily chemical products;
        Other compound surfactants, detergents and research and patented technology of various surfactants and detergents;


Address: Rm. 1705, Seat 2MinfuMansion,No228 Xinjian Road,Shanghai,China.

Zip code: 201199

Te.: +86-21-64133729      

Fax: +86-21-60919309    

Contact person: chai jin   MP:86-13641981115

:�� p; 2��Wfont-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:宋体;color:windowtext;mso-font-kerning:1.0pt'>2800 USD/standard booth (9m2 each);
            Section B: 10800 RMB/ standard booth (9m2 each);
A standard booth includes carpet, 3-side walls, fascia board with company name, 1 information desk, two chairs, one f






201449日-11   中国·上海光大会展中心



主办单位:中国日用化学工业研究院        表面分析分技术委员会
承办单位:中国日用化学工业信息中心       上海怡涵展览服务有限公司
协办单位:**表面活性剂和洗涤行业生产力促进中心    表面活性剂国家工程研究中心
**表面活性剂和洗涤剂标准化委员会       上海市分析测试协会
2013年4月10-12日,来自世界各地的供应商和业界精英齐聚上海参加" IESD Expo展览会”在为期三天的展览会上,来自中国、印度、日本、荷兰、韩国、美国、英国、德国48个国家和地区的8672名专业人士,和来自全球13个国家和地区的163家参展商就新产品、新技术、新成果及行业未来进行了广泛深入的交流。
2014国际表面活性剂和洗涤剂会议(ICSD)在展会同期召开,ICSD会议始于1990年,每二年举办一次,已成功召开十二届。2012ICSD来自于全球 14个国家和地区约400位代表出席会议,规模大、学术水平高、影响广泛而备受国内外关注。作为中国国内规格*高、影响力*大的表面活性剂和洗涤剂领域国际性学术和技术盛会,每两年一届的ICSD正在以其独特的感召力和影响力吸引着越来越多的境内外的公司企业、高等院校、政府机构、行业协会以及业内人士的积极参与,成为中国与世界在表面活性剂和洗涤剂领域进行交流与沟通*重要的渠道和桥梁之一。(另有赞助方案备索
◇表界面仪:比表面分析仪、表面(界面)张力仪、比表面及微孔介孔分布测试仪、微孔分析仪、密度测试仪、比表面及孔隙度测定仪、比表面及孔径分析仪、比表面分析仪、比表面积测定仪、比表面积仪、全自动比表面积及空隙度分析仪、物理/化学吸附仪、高压/蒸汽吸附仪、真密度仪、轮廓仪、杯突仪、颗表面阻抗分析仪、LB 膜分析仪、压汞仪、开尔文探针系统、可焊性测试仪等表界面物性测试仪器;
★ 标准展位费用:国际展商:2800美元/标准展位(9m2/个);
★ 空场地费用:国际展商:280美元/m2; 国内展商:1100元/m236m2起租);
★ 展位安排:“先报名、先付款,先安排”的原则,组织单位*终保留少量展位调动权。
◇ 封 面 ¥18000元     ◇ 封 二   ¥10000元     ◇ 扉    页 ¥10000元
◇ 封 底 ¥15000元     ◇ 封 三   ¥8000元      ◇ 彩色内页 ¥5000元
电 话:86-21-64133729          传真:86-21-60919309     
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