
点击量: 228156


    目前,TC 34/SC 5乳和乳制品分委会已负责制定标准162份,有20个国家参与标准的制定,162份标准均是关于乳和乳制品。


Milk and milk products -- Determination of antimicrobial residues -- Tube diffusion test 现行      2006-11-10
ISO/TS 26844-2006

Milk and milk products -- Ovine and caprine rennets -- Determination of total milk-clotting activity 现行      2006-09-17
ISO 23058-2006

Milk and milk products -- Detection of Enterobacter sakazakii 现行      2006-01-30
ISO/TS 22964-2006

Milk and milk products -- Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method) 现行      2007-09-13
ISO 22662-2007

Milk and milk-based drinks -- Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity -- Enzymatic photo-activated system (EPAS) method  现行      2007-03-28
ISO 22160-2007