BIB-150P/F高强度紫外灯 BIB-150P/F

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BIB-150P/F高强度紫外灯是高强度自镇流150W紫外灯BIB-150P-****的自镇流紫外灯;采用独特的Bulb-Saver加强灯泡固定,避免意外损坏;重量:1.5kg;紫外线强度4500uw/cm2(380mm距离);独特的防撞防凹外壳;柔性硅橡胶过滤片保持器不需任何工具就可以快速方便更换灯泡! 重量轻,人体工学设计,便于携带。


美国SP BIB-150P/F高强度紫外灯的产品参数:
规格 BIB-150P
电源 120, 230, 240, & 100 VAC 
灯泡功率 150 w
操作 5-分钟预热
灯头直径  x 灯具长度 17.1 x 26 cm
重量 1.5 kg
电源线长度 2.5 m,可选: 6.1 m及9 m

USA BIB-150P Built-In-Ballast UV Lamp
Precision engineered to produce super-high ultraviolet intensity and performance at an economical price. Improved, crack-resistant filter minimizes visible light (less than 2 foot-candles or 20 lux) while maximizing long wave UV irradiance. The BIB-150P easily meets MIL and ASTM specs for FPI and MPI.
Unique engineering polymer housing makes this lamp extremely impact-resistant and dent-proof.
150-watt Built-In-Ballast™ bulb requires no heavy external transformer. As a result, the bulk and weight are gone, yet all the power of a transformer-based unit remains.
Lightweight and ergonomically designed — The hand-held BIB-150P lamp has a total weight of only 3¼ pounds (1.5kg). The lamp head, including the heat guard/stand, measures 9 5/8 inches (24cm) long. The power cord exits directly from the bottom of the contoured pistol-grip handle, resulting in better balance.
Unsurpassed safety and convenience — The vinyl-coated, stainless-steel, wraparound heat guard/stand protects against burns and acts as a lamp stand. Its special insulators absorb mechanical shock to extend bulb and filter life. The 3-wire power cord, made of heat-resistant material, reduces the risk of shock hazard. Because there’s no bulky transformer to drag around and it has an 8-foot (2.5m) power cord, you can use it anywhere. If an even longer reach is desired, order the Spectroline model BIB-150PX with a 20-foot (6m) power cord or the model BIB-150PR with a 30-foot (9m) retractable cord on a “flying” reel.
Choice of bulbs provides unbeatable versatility. The BIB-150P can be supplied with a concentrated spot bulb for an intense UV beam. This bulb produces a nominal steady-state 365nm intensity of 4,500 µW/cm2 at 15 inches (38cm). If wider-area coverage is desired, specify the broad-beam bulb. This bulb produces an intensity of 1,500 µW/cm2 at 15 inches. Both bulbs have an average rated life of 5,000 hours and are specially designed to withstand rough use.
Special Bulb-Saver™ extends bulb life. To greatly reduce replacement costs due to broken bulbs, we include our unique Bulb-Saver at no extra charge. It minimizes bulb movement during handling, reducing the risk of breakage.
Flexible, silicone rubber filter holder is easily removable without tools for bulb or filter replacement.
FREE UV-absorbing glasses included with every lamp.



Voltage Requirements

120, 230, 240, & 100 VAC versions available

Bulb Rating

150 watts


5-minute warm-up time

Lamp Head Diameter
   x Length of Housing

6 3/4 x 10¼" (17.1 x 26cm)


3¼ lbs (1.5kg)

Cord Length

8 ft (2.5m)
Optional: 20 ft (6.1m) and 30 ft (9m)


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