收购SMIQ03信号发生器 SMIQ03
收购SMIQ03信号发生器收购SMIQ03信号发生器高价回收SMIQ03B收购SMIQ03信号发生器 收购SMIQ03信号发生器
长期高价现金回收二手仪器 长期上门收购二手网络分析仪、二手频谱仪、二手信号发生器、二手电子负载、二手频率计、二手射频功率计、二手综合测试仪、二手音频分析仪、二手信号源等高频仪器。资金充裕,单台或大批收购!上海、苏州、天津、北京、成都、四川、广东广州市、深圳市、番禺、珠海市、汕头市、佛山市、韶关市、湛江市、肇庆市、江门市、茂名市、惠州市、梅州市、汕尾市、河源市、阳江市、清远市、东莞市、中山市、潮州市、揭阳市、云浮市、增城市、开平市、恩平市都可上门回收
Rohde & Schwarz
300kHz to 3.3GHz Vector Signal Generator
The SMIQ family of signal generators feature both analog and digital modulation up to 3.3 GHz. The series consists of four models which differ in their frequency range and main fields of application. The economy models SMIQ02E and SMIQ03E have been designed for the needs of production environments and satisfy those needs for an economical solution. The SMIQ02 and SMIQ03 feature a versatility regarding signal generation and signal quality that make them ideal for development and type testing. The fading simulator option (available on the SMIQ02/03 only) allows predefined 6- or 12-path fading.
The economy version of this family features a frequency range of 300 kHz to 3.3 GHz (SMIQ03E). Both units can create the primary standard signals (i.e. NADC, PHS, PDC, GSM, and CDMA). Also available are IQ impairments, power ramp editing, and filter modifications. Fading simulation or non-standard modulation formats are not provided.
·Frequency Resolution: 0.1 Hz
·Frequency Switching Time: 20 ms
·Output Power -140 dBm - +13 dbm
·Maximum Single-Side-Band Noise: -130 dBc/Hz
·Non-harmonics: (noise) -60 dBc
·Modulation: AM,FM,Pulse
·Sweep Modes: Linear,List,Log