MSYV-5 射频通同轴电缆 MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆

产品价格: ¥1.00
产品型号:MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆
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MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆      MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆


◎ 通用级-CMG级(垂直Vertial Tray Flame ) 这是 UL中通用级电缆(General Pure Cable),适用为UL1581。商用级和通用级的条件类似,同为加拿大和美国认可使用。通用级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般仅应用于同一楼层的水平走线,不应用于楼层的垂直布线上。

耐火电缆使用特性:?工频额定电压U0/U:0.6/1kV。Rated power-frequency voltage U0/U:0.6/1kV.?电缆导体的*高允许长期工作温度(PVC/XLPE):70℃/90℃.Max.permissible continuous ope                     MSYV-50-9 射


MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆


◎ 通用级-CMG级(垂直Vertial Tray Flame ) 这是 UL中通用级电缆(General Pure Cable),适用为UL1581。商用级和通用级的条件类似,同为加拿大和美国认可使用。通用级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般仅应用于同一楼层的水平走线,不应用于楼层的垂直布线上。
耐火电缆使用特性:?工频额定电压U0/U:0.6/1kV。Rated power-frequency voltage U0/U:0.6/1kV.?电缆导体的*高允许长期工作温度(PVC/XLPE):70℃/90℃.Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor (PVC/XLPE): 70℃/90℃?短路时(*长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体*高允许温度PVC:导体截面≤300mm2-160℃导体截面>300mm2-140℃XLPE:250℃Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed(5s maxiumduration):PVC:cross-section of conductor≤300mm2-160℃cross-section of conductor>300mm2-140℃XLPE:250℃

MHYBV 1X(2~7)X(0.75-1.5)mm2 。
DJYPVP22 聚绝缘对绞铜线编织分屏蔽及总屏蔽聚氯护套钢带铠装计算机电缆敷设室内、电缆沟、管道等要求静电屏蔽较大机械外力固定并承受。MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆


电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于0℃The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0℃?电缆的弯曲半径:多芯电缆不小于电缆外径15倍,单芯电缆不小于电缆外径20倍。The bending radius of a single-core cable should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter.
France and Scotland, and she could not afford to give the cold shoulder to Spain as well. When the Bishop saw him on leing the Queen, he says: “I listened to him (Cecil) for some time, and seeing that he was beating about the bush, I begged that we might speak plainly to each other, as I was neither blind nor deaf, and could easily perceive that the Queen was not taking this step, to refuse her consent after all. He swore that he did not know, and could not assure me,” and with this, and vague protestations of Cecil’s personal wish for the Archduke’s success, the Bishop had to be contented. He faithfully conveyed the Queen’s words to the Emperor, but her looks and gestures could not be put upon paper, so that it is not surprising that his Majesty could see no further assurance than before that he was not to be fooled after all. Feria was more deeply versed in the ways of women than was the Bishop, and on receiving the news, answered: “It seems that the Emperor up to the present refuses lee for his son to go, and, to tell the truth, I cannot persuade myself that he is wrong, nor do I

DJYP3V(R)22 聚绝缘铝塑复合带绕包分屏聚氯护套钢带铠装计算机用屏蔽(软)电缆。

MHYA32(HUYA32) 矿用聚绝缘、铝/聚粘结护层、镀锌钢丝铠装、阻燃聚氯护套通信电缆。

本产品使用特性:1.1 电缆的使用温度为-40℃~+60℃。1.2 电缆导体长期工作温度应不超过+70℃。1.3 电缆敷设温度:聚氯外护套电缆应不低于0℃;聚外护套电缆应不低于-20℃。1.4 电缆的允许弯曲半径:非铠装电缆应不小于电缆外径的10倍;铠装电缆应不小于电缆外径的15倍。1.5 综合护套铁路电缆的屏蔽系数≤0.8;铝护套铁路电缆的屏蔽系数≤0.3 

MSYV-50-9 射频通同轴电缆


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