超低容量喷雾器 wi91801
★ 超短机身,机动灵活。射程远,喷雾量大,弥漫效果好,雾滴均匀细致!适用于农业病虫害防治;卫生防疫、**等场合。 Ultra short fuselage, flexible. far range, large spraying quantity, diffuse effect is good, the droplet uniform and meticulous!Suitable for agricultural pest and disease control and prevention; health and epidemic prevention, sterilization and other occasions. ● 增强型发动机,高效节油,功率强劲,喷雾量大、射程更远,喷雾效果更好。 Enhanced engine, high efficiency and fuel saving, strong power, large spraying quantity, longer range, the spraying effect is better. ● 手动启动,自动点火,易启动,性能优良。Manual start,Auto ignition, easy start, excellent performance. ● 精密油门控制系统,性能更加稳定。Precision control oil supply system, a more stable performance. ● 高效烟雾管(标准配件),喷烟量大,穿透力强,弥漫效果好,高效省药。The efficient smoke tube ( standard parts ), smoke amount big, strong penetrating power, diffuse effect is good, efficient drug. ● 高效雾化管(另购配件),喷水雾时可产生更为细致均匀的优良雾滴。The atomizing pipe (optional parts ), spraying water mist can produce more delicate and fine droplet. ● **易拆卸结构**技术,保养维修更加便捷。 The first easily detachable structure of patent technology, more convenient maintenance repair. ● 304不锈钢药箱,油箱,坚固耐用。 304 stainless steel solution tank ,fuel tank, durable. ● 轻质合金散热护网,散热效果好,简洁大方。Use of lightweight metal heat protective net, good radiation effect, simple and generous. 技术参数Technical parameters:: 外形尺寸Size :1000*280*330 (mm) 包装尺寸Packing size:1000*320*350 (mm) 耗油量Fuel consumption:1.2-1.6 litre /h 喷药量The spraying dosage:5-40 litre /h *大功率Maximum power:≥17KW 点火方式Ignition mode:自动点火 automatic ignition **护网:Safety net: 全防护full protection 喷烟雾射程Spray smoke fog range:15-30m 喷水雾射程Water spray mist range:6-10m 雾粒直径The fog particle diameter: 烟雾雾滴直径小于8-9微米, 水雾雾滴直径小于20微米 The smoke particle diameter less than 8~9 microns The water mist particle diameter less than 20 microns 药箱容积Solution tank capacity:6.0 litre 药箱压力Solution tank pressure:0.3-0.4bar 油箱容积Fuel tank capacity:1.8 litre 油箱压力Fuel tank pressure:0.12 - 0.15bar 启动电源Start power supply:3V 两节一号干电池 3V 2pcs 1# dry battery 使用燃料The use of fuel:93#以上纯净汽油 93# above pure gasoline 适用载体Application carrier:0#柴油或白油等专用烟雾载体 0 # diesel or white oil 适用药剂Application of pharmacy:油性、水**剂或可湿性粉剂 oily, water-based agent or wettable powder 净重Net weight::7.0Kg 毛重Gross weight:11.5 Kg 适用范围:农业病虫害防治,食品加工或养殖场**,室内外卫生防疫,有害生物防治等专门要求喷施水雾的场合。