***专用食品冻干机 wi120409
***专用食品冻干机 ***专用食品冻干机
详 细 说 明 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
产品介绍: 真空冷冻干燥机广泛用在医学、制药、生物研究、化工和食品等领域。经冷冻干燥处理的物品易于长期保存,加水后能恢复到冻干前状态并保持原有生化特性。LG-1(电加热)***专用冷冻干燥机,通过优化结构实现连续式冻干,效率提高50%。该机型具备搁板加热和称重功能,且可以记忆冻干曲线,将冻干过程清晰的展现在用户面前。 主要特点: 1、预冻、干燥分体结构,同时进行,提高了冻干效率,缩短了冻干时间。 Pre-freezing and drying are separated structure, they are going on at same time. This way improves freeze-drying efficiency and shorten drying time. 2、料盘置于加热板间的支架上,料盘支架上端固定有称重传感器,可在工作状态下测量物料的重量,以测算其干燥情况。 Material trays are put on stand between heating shelves. There are weight sensor on top of stand, to measure material weight on working state. So drying condition can be calculated. 3、捕水冷阱位于干燥室下方,水汽运动阻力小,提高了干燥效率。 Condenser is located on bottom of drying chamber. Resistance to watervapour motion is small, to increase drying efficiency. 4、双面辐射加热,辐射率 90%以上,温度均匀性好。 Both sides radiant heating, radiation rate is more than 90%, with bettertemperature uniformity. 5、制冷采用进口风冷式制冷压缩机组。 Refrigeration uses imported air cooling type refrigerant compressor unit. 6、干燥舱、捕水器、真空系统、制冷系统、电控为整机一体化结构,由工控机全自动控制。 Drying chamber,condenser, vacuum system, refrigerating system, and electronic control are contained in integrated machine, automatically controlled by Industrial Personal Computer 7、PLC+彩色触摸屏控制,可以设置32组冻干工艺,每组包括36段。用户可以根据需要设定2-36段冻干工艺。可显示样品温度曲线、隔板温度曲线、冷阱温度曲线、真空度曲线。可以实现 U盘导出冻干工艺数据。在计算 机上查看冻干数据。 PLC + color touch screen control, you can set the freeze-drying process 32 groups, each group consists of 36 segments. Users can set the lyophilization process as required in paragraph 2-36. Sample temperature curve can be displayed, a separator temperature curve, thetemperature curve of the cold trap, vacuum curve. U disk can export the lyophilization process data. View lyophilized data on the computer. 8、可选配远程控制系统,实现远程监控冻干机。 Remote control system is optional, to fulfill remote monitoring for freeze dryer.