
产品价格: ¥45000.00
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Yenista’s is the most practical, high performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer on the market today. It is the fastest diffraction-grating based instrument operating from 1250 to 1700 nm. Designed around Yenista’s renowned filter technology, the OSA20 provides a fast, accurate, high dynamic range scan, eliminating compromises of conventional instruments. It is also the first instrument of its type to incorporate a touch sensitive display with multi-touch gesture control.


Key Features



The OSA20 is the fastest OSA of its kind with a maximum sweep speed of 2000 nm/s. It uses a fixed monochromator bandwidth of 20 pm and a fixed sampling resolution of 2 pm for all scans. This means every measurement is taken at the highest resolution and the highest accuracy. Sweep speed is determined solely by the choice of the sensitivity level: -55 dBm at 2000 nm/s down to -80 dBm at 0.5 nm/s.


The OSA20’s monochromator utilizes Yenista’s renowned filter technology. The scanning filter has a 20 pm bandwidth, steep edges and low stray light. Power is integrated over 2 pm steps resulting in 225,001 data points for a 450 nm span. This allows for DWDM channel analysis down to 12.5 GHz spacing. The instrument has a high wavelength accuracy over the full wavelength range with ±15 pm specified over 1500-1640 nm.

Easy to Use

The OSA20 is operated through its 12 inch capacitive touch screen with multi-touch gesture control, an industry first. This allows very fast navigation, scrolling and zooming in an intuitive manner. Keyboard and mouse control are also available through the USB interfaces.

Efficient Analysis

The OSA20 has one general operation mode and seven application oriented analysis modes:

- OSA: Optical Spectrum Analyzer (general) 
- WDM: Wavelength Division Multiplexing 
- OFA: Optical Fiber Amplifier 
- SML: Single Mode Laser 
- MML: Multimode Laser 
- BBS: Broadband Source 
- RLT: Recirculating Loop Transmission 
- PCT: Passive Component Test

Each mode has a full suite of analysis functions for detailed spectrum analysis.

Communication Ports

All wide range of interfaces is available for remote control and export of data: 7x USB, 2x Ethernet (10/100/1000), GPIB, DVI, VGA, HDMI, Trigger in & out.


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  • 附件: 附件支持RAR,JPG,PNG格式,大小在2M范围
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