N5183B 20G信号源出售N5183B是德 N9020A
N5183B 20G信号源出售N5183B是德 N5183B 20G信号源出售N5183B是德
N5183B 20G信号源出售N5183B是德N5183B 20G信号源出售N5183B是德
- 快速、紧凑型(2U)信号发生器,可以在实验室、仓库或现场替代 PSG 使用
- 频谱纯度可与 PSG 相媲美,以满足严苛的雷达模块和系统测试需要
- 补偿系统损耗和驱动大功率放大器:+19 dBm 输出功率、-55 dBc 谐波和 -68 dBc 杂散(20 GHz 时)
- 600 µs 的快速切换可以减少校准时间
- 利用 5 台支持 AM、FM 和 OM 脉冲调制方式的内置函数发生器,轻松仿真窄带线性调频信号和雷达天线扫描
Signal characteristics
- 9 kHz to 13, 20 31.8 or 40 GHz
- +20 dBm output power at 20 GHz
- -124 dBc/Hz phase noise at 10 GHz and 10 kHz offset
- -75 dBc non-harmonics at 10 GHz and >10 kHz offset
Modulation and sweep
- AM, FM, ØM and narrow pulse
- Pulse train generator
- 10 MHz multifunction generator and LF out
- Digital step and list sweep modes with <600 µs switching speed
Automation and communication interfaces
- 1000BaseT LAN, LXI, USB 2.0 and GPIB
- Backward compatible with all ESG, MXG, PSG and 8648x signal generators
- Keysight USB power sensor compatible with embedded display and SCPI control
The pure and precise MXG
The MXG is the pure and precise alternative to the analog PSG, with advantages in size and speed. It delivers the performance you need--spectral purity, output power, switching speed and more--to perform module- and system-level testing.
Generate the signals you need with outstanding hardware performance
- Test radar receiver sensitivity with best-in-class phase noise and spurious performance
- Shrink your test stand with two rack-unit height
- Maximize throughput with fast switching speed
- Compensate for system loss, stimulate remote DUTs, and drive high-power amplifiers while retaining signal integrity
- Simulate multi-channel composite analog modulation with integrated multifunction generation
- Create variable RADAR PRI and pulse width with integrated pulse train generator
Maximize resources with low cost of ownership
- Increase uptime with high mean time between failures (MTBF)
- Minimize downtime and expenses with self-maintenance strategy and low-cost repairs
- Standard 3-year calibration cycle and warranty
联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ:1946418560
廖先生 QQ:785298834