台湾固纬GOM-801H直流微欧姆计 台湾固纬GOM-801H直流微欧姆计
台湾固纬GOM-801H直流微欧姆计, 是以0.5"红色LED来显示3位半的读值, 并以手动方式快速且准确量测组件或材料之电阻的*佳设备., 可量测的对象包括电缆节点、接地电阻、开光、发动机、变压器和发电机等. 前板提供7个量测档位选择开关(由20mΩ ~ 20kΩ), 内部比较器可让使用者自行设定Hi/Lo参考比较值. 台湾固纬GOM-801H直流微欧姆计是量测微小电阻*经济
台湾固纬GOM-801H直流微欧姆计 产品介绍:
DC 微欧姆电阻表 , 20mΩ ~ 20kΩ
GOM-801H直流微欧姆计, 是以0.5"红色LED来显示3位半的读值, 并以手动方式快速且准确量测组件或材料之电阻的*佳设备., 可量测的对象包括电缆节点、接地电阻、开光、发动机、变压器和发电机等. 前板提供7个量测档位选择开关(由20mΩ ~ 20kΩ), 内部比较器可让使用者自行设定Hi/Lo参考比较值. GOM-801H是量测微小电阻*经济, 容易操作且可信赖的*佳选择.
台湾固纬GOM-801H直流微欧姆计 参数特点:
※ 3 1/2 位数, 0.5" LED显示屏
※ 测量档位:20mΩ~ 20kΩ 共 7 档
※ 1A 大电流测试
※ 高解析度:10uΩ
※ Hi/Lo 比较显示及蜂鸣警示
测量范围 |
20mΩ, 200mΩ, 2Ω, 20Ω, 200Ω, 2kΩ 20kΩ 共 7 档 |
测量电流 |
20mΩ / 200mΩ:1A |
准确度 |
测量 设置 |
20mΩ:+ (0.2% 读值 + 6 位) |
解析度 |
0.01mΩ, 0.1mΩ , 1mΩ, 10mΩ, 100mΩ, 1Ω, 10Ω |
比较器 |
HI, LO可设定 |
显示 |
3 1/2 位数 0.5" LED 显示屏;HI, GO, LO 指示灯 |
使用电源 |
交流 100V/120V/220V/230V±10%, 50/60Hz |
尺寸&重量 |
230(宽)×95(高)×280(长) mm |
Founded in 1975, Good Will Instrument Co., Ltd was the first professional manufacturer in Taiwan specializing in electrical test & measurement instruments. Good Will Instrument began as a manufacturer of power supplies and quickly expanded into the development of high precision electronic test and measurement instruments.
After decades of experience in the test and measurement industry, Good Will Instrument Co., Ltd has grown to become the largest manufacturer and developer of test and measurement instruments in Taiwan. Today Good Will has more than 300 product items, ranging from oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, signal sources, basic test & measurement instruments to video surveillance systems. Good Will Instrument has also seen its present growth internationally. With headquarters located in Taipei, Taiwan, GW Instek has subsidiaries in mainland China, America, Japan, Korea and Malaysia; its products are sold to more than 80 countries worldwide.
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