英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头 150/ WQ10
英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头有利于大范围水质参数的测量:光学溶解氧(DO)、水酸度(PH)、氧化还原电势(ORP)、溶解性总固体(TDS)、海水比重(SSG)、温度。 英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头
英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头
Absolute Electrical Conductivity (EC): Provides an indication of the presence of inorganic dissolved solids and therefore the purity of water. Pure water is an extremely poor conductor of electrical currents and therefore a change in EC can suggest degradation of water quality.
Specific Electrical Conductivity (EC): The EC adjusted to reflect the temperature of the water being tested.
Water Acidity (pH): Aquatic organisms are often sensitive to the acidity of water. Therefore, monitoring and maintaining the pH balance is important in many situations.
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP): Oxidation is the loss of electrons by a chemical species following the introduction of a new species. The corresponding reaction is the reduction process in which chemical species gain electrons. ORP is therefore an indication of the potential for oxidation or reduction reactions to take place.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Indicates the concentration of minerals, salts, metals and ions
dissolved in water.
Resistivity: The ability of water to resist an electrical current. This is the opposite of EC. Therefore, a body of water with a high EC will have a correspondingly low resistivity.
Salinity: Provides a value for the concentration of dissolved salts in the water.
Seawater Specific Gravity (SSG): A measure of the density of water. Saltwater is more dense than pure or freshwater.
Temperature: Affects a number of chemical processes that take place in water.
Depth: Indicates the depth using EC.
Technical Specifications
Specification Description
Probe Communication SDI-12
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Range 0-500.0%/0-50.00mg/L
Resolution 0.1%/0.01mg/L
Accuracy 0-200%: ±1% of reading,
200-500%: ±10% of reading
Conductivity (EC)
Range 0-200 mS/cm (0-200,000 μScm)
Resolution 0-9999μS/cm,10.00-99.99mS/cm,100.0-200.0m
Accuracy ±1% of reading or ±1μS/cm if greater
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Range 0-100,000 mg/L
Resolution 2 Ranges: 0-9999 mg/L or 10.00-100.00 g/L
Accuracy ±1% of reading or ±1mg/L if greater
Range 5 Ωcm-1 MΩcm
Resolution 2 Ranges: 5-9999Ωcm or 10.0-1000.0KΩm
Accuracy ±1% of reading or ±1Ωcm if greater
Range 0-70PSU or 0-70.00ppt
Resolution 0.01PSU or 0.01ppt
Accuracy ±1% of reading or ±0.1 unit if greater
Seawater Specific Gravity (SSG)
Range 0-50 st
Resolution 0.1 st
Accuracy ±1.0 st
Water Acidity (pH)
Range 0-14pH/±625mV
Resolution 0.01pH/±0.1mV
Accuracy ±0.01pH/±5mV
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
Range ±2000 mV
Resolution 0.1 mV
Accuracy ±5 mV
Range -5°C to +50°C
Resolution 0.01°C
Accuracy +0.5°C
Range 0-100 m (0-330F)
Resolution 0.01 m/F
Accuracy ±1%
英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头
英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头
英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头
英国MUNRO水质探头/150/ WQ10水质探头