PTL热延伸试验装置 PTL-T27.10
PTL热延伸试验装置简介: 德国PTL热延伸试验装置 IEC60811-2-1热延伸试验仪 供应进口T27.10热延伸测试装置
IEC 60811-2-1 / 1998-04 ?9,
EN 60811-2-1 / 1995,
VDE 0473 Part 811-2-1 / March 1996 & 9 等相关标准
Standard Outfit:
2 stands, with pedestals and a traverse for fixing the upper grip, 1 upper grip, for fixing the probe, with two wing nuts, 1 measuring strip, horizontal and vertical adjustable,
1 lower grip with one wing nut and a bolt for attaching the weight holder mass 51 g, tensile force 0,5 N,
1 weight holder to attach the tensile weights, mass 10.2 g, tensile force 0,1 N,
1 set of tensile weights, for applying the additional tensile forces 0,1 N to 10 N in steps of 0,1 N.
Design :
all parts of aluminum or of steel, steel parts zinc galvanized, nickel plated or of stainless steel,
width approx. 200 mm, total height approx. 410 mm, depth approx. 120 mm,
apparatus screw-mounted, therefore easily to dismount and to short to smaller height,
Article No.: T 27.10
alternative :
PTL Hot Set Test Apparatuses 20, 30 and 40
as above, for the simultaneous test of two, three resp. four probes, with the according number of grips, measuring strips, weight holders and sets of tensile weights.
design: width: Article No.:
Double Test Apparatus 275 mm T 27.20
Triple Test Apparatus 395 mm T 27.30
Quadruple Apparatus 515 mm T 27.40
Hot Set Test Apparatus for higher tensile forces: on request