美国Litepoint IQView

点击量: 259591


  The LitePoint IQview® 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN R&D Test Solutionis a popular test instrument for RF testing of 802.11a/b/g WLANproducts, including MIMO and optional Bluetooth + EDR. Networkinterface cards, access points and embedded components aretypically tested using this product.


  -- Seamless analysis of DSSS (802.11b/g) and OFDM(802.11a/g) WLAN signals

  -- Advanced VSA and VSG combined with the capabilities of apower meter and spectrum analyzer in a single instrument

  -- Operation in both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands

  -- Baseband I/O facilitates product debugging with LitePointIQdebug™ Monitor and Control Tool

  -- High-performance VSA

  * Wide bandwidth (±33MHz)

  * Capture-once-measure-all operation

  * High phase linearity,low phase noise, low noise figure

  * Graphical andnumerical display of measurement results

  -- High-performance VSG

  * Low noise figure

  * Pre-defined802.11a/b/g transmit test signals

  * Impairments can beintroduced in real- time to the transmit test signal

  * Generation ofarbitrary 802.11a/b/g waveforms simplified by optional IQwave WLANWaveform Generator Software

  -- Simple control interfaces

  * IQsignal SignalAnalysis Software Suite facilitates signal analysis, signalgeneration, and debugging

  * LitePoint API (IQapi™)supports Visual C/C++ test scripts for use in manufacturing


  -- Faster test time

  * Test time reduced byfrom minutes per device to seconds compared to separate instrumentsfor VSA, spectrum analyzer and power meter

  * Independentsimultaneous Rx and Tx measurements

  * Support for dual-headtest functionality

  -- Faster time to production

  * Intuitive userinterface means no learning curve

  * No complicated testset-up or calibration; tests are pre-configured

  * Easy to re-configuremanufacturing stations to test different chipsets

  * Consistent testresults across R&D and manufacturing for quick identificationand fix of problems

  -- Consistent quality and performance assured

  * Direct measurement oftransmitter performance using EVM and other signal qualitymetrics

  * Efficient andrepeatable measurements

  * Ability to capture,analyze and debug raw signal data on any PC

  -- Capital investment protected

  * One-box testersolution eliminates need for multiple test products

  * No other equipment orsoftware required

  * Software upgradesensure compliance with standards changes

  System Requirements

  -- PC: Intel® Pentium® Processor or compatible

  -- Operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000; Windows XPProfessional; Windows XP Home Edition

  -- Memory: 128MB of RAM

  -- Disk space: 200MB of available hard disk space

  -- Monitor: 1024 x 768 resolution

  -- Connectivity: TCP/IP over 10/100BaseT Ethernet