vicor Brick Converters
Active PFC for Electronic Power Supplies »
When choosing a strategy for PFC, it is essential torecognize that the poor power factor occurring in electronic powerconversion equipment is entirely different from the traditionalpoor power factor seen with inductive motor loads, and requires adifferent corrective approach.
Adjustable Latching Output Over Current Circuit »
Many users, for logistical reasons, employ a particularmodule for many applications at significantly lower power than theunit is able to provide. The potential damage to down stream PCBtraces and components caused by the module high current sourcecapability creates a need for an adjustable latching output currentlimit circuit.
Controlling the BatMod with a Digital Potentiometer »
The BatMod is a modular, component level DC-DC converterthat provides a programmable output voltage and current limitsuitable for battery charging or other applications that requireconstant current with external control.
Component Power Solutions for Industrial High VoltageApplications »
State-of-the-art Vicor Maxi, Mini, Micro Series DC-DCconverters offer many features that facilitate their integrationinto a complete power solution. Foremost of these is a uniquecurrent sharing scheme which allows for increased power capability,with current sharing accuracy between modules better than 5percent.
Constant Current Control for DC-DC Converters »
Vicors VI-200/VI-J00 and Maxi, Mini and Micro family DC-DCconverters are voltage regulating devices, but their wide trimrange makes it possible to use them as efficient high-power currentsources. Current regulation can be implemented through the additionof an external control loop and current-sense resistor. Such adesign must take into account the power limitations of the DC-DCconverter and must ensure the stability of the converters voltageloop. In addition to these considerations, this application notecovers compensation of the external current-control loop and adesign example for a simple battery charger.
Converter PR Pin Facilitates Parallel Operation for Power Expansionor Redundancy »
A unique feature has been designed into Vicors Maxi, Miniand Micro converter modules which facilitates parallel operationfor power expansion or redundancy.
Creating High Voltage Outputs »
This Applications Note describes two approaches toproducing a high voltage output. One solution provides a fixedoutput voltage, the other an adjustable output voltage.
Designing a Battery Charger »
Vicors BatMod current source module enables designers toeasily build a compact, lightweight battery charging system withcommonly available parts.
Designing High-Power Arrays Using Maxi, Mini and Micro Family DC-DCConverters »
Vicors Maxi, Mini and Micro DC-DC converters are designedfor easy paralleling to increase output power. The uniqueparalleling interface allows multi-kW capable designs to beimplemented with few external components.
Designing a Power Supply with Multiple Input Options »
Some electronic systems such as field communicationsequipment must be able to operate from a variety of power sources.These systems may also require backup power in case the primarysource is interrupted.
High Efficiency Battery Charger Using Power Components »
An offline battery charger – using the Unitrode UC3906battery charger controller chip and a Vicor Maxi, Mini, MicroSeries DC-DC converter module – provides design flexibility, smallsize, and high efficiency. The system is described, and an estimateof overall efficiency of the battery charger is derived.
Hot Swap Capability Eliminates Downtime »
Hot swap capability imposes special needs to insuresurvival of the component which is subjected to live insertion andextraction. In addition, it is necessary to prevent any significantdisturbance of either input or output power rails during liveinsertion / extraction.
Micro Family Isolated Remote Sense »
Vicors Micro DC-DC converters do not have remote sensepins. Nevertheless, remote sense can be achieved by employingexternal circuitry. A circuit is proposed that senses the voltageat the load and adjusts the converter output voltage to compensatefor the voltage drop in the leads / traces. It also providesisolation of the sense leads / traces that is beneficial inhigh-noise applications.
Powering Dynamic Loads »
This document illustrates Vicor converters currentlimiting safety feature and design strategies that will allow yourpower system to maintain stable output voltages and sufficientavailable power levels in applications with widely and / or rapidlyfluctuating loads.
Thermal Considerations: Assuring Performance of Maxi, Mini andMicro High-Density DC-DC Converter Modules »
As the modular DC-DC converter industry realizes greaterpower densities, proper thermal management must be achieved inorder to get the most usable power to the load. Efficiency, whilean important element in thermal management, is not the only item toconsider. Dealing with the heat generated by the conversion processshould not be underestimated nor overlooked when designing orselecting a power supply.
Soldering Methods and Procedures for Vicor Power Modules »
The following pages contain soldering information for thefollowing Vicor product families; Maxi, Mini, Micro; VE-200,VE-J00; VI BRICK, and similar package filters andfront-ends.
Undervoltage / Overvoltage Lockout »
For many applications it is necessary to disable a DC-DCconverter when its input voltage goes outside a specified range.This note describes circuits that can be used to disable a Vicorconverter based on programmable undervoltage or overvoltage setpoints.
Using Modular DC-DC Converters to Meet European Standards forRailway Applications »
This Applications Note shows how to comply with thesestandards using modular Vicor DC-DC converters to facilitate thedesign of complex power supplies.
Wide Range Trimming with Variable Loads »
The output of Vicor 2nd Generation DC-DC converter modulescan be programmed from 10 to 110% of their nominal output voltage.Trimming down is easily accomplished with a small low powerresistor or potentiometer connected between the SC pin and the -Spin.