为确保ASCO电磁阀的工作性能和可靠性,必须做到如下要求: 1、确保可靠的操作性这里不公指电磁阀本身的制造质量,而且包括对操作人员的培训和素质的提高。为了防止误操作,工艺人员一定要注意铭牌所 标示的注意事项。重要的阀门都要有足够的附件,如定位器、限位开关等。根据我国新的气动电磁阀标准(GB/T4213-92)气动执行机构的铭牌至少要标 出制造厂名、产品型号、额定流量系数、设计位号、产品编号及制造年月等事项。要有足够的安装空间和操作空间,有足够的安装空间和操作,有足够的 照明,有严格的操作规程。阀体上则应铸出或冲出表示介质流动方向的箭头和DN数值以及PN的字样及数值。 2、生产厂家的制造技术和测试方法必须符合标准,要由主管部门签定认可。严禁不具备生产条件的小厂进行生产。保证电磁阀的质量电磁阀的选用 要经过严格的计算;类型、口径、各项性能都要符合要求;电磁阀各种零件的材料要严格选择,要有足够的强度和刚度,要按照国家标准通过耐压试验, 气密性等试验。
To ensure the performance and reliability of the solenoid valve, you must do the following requirements: To ensure reliable operation unfair to refer to the solenoid valve manufacturing quality, but also improve operator training and quality. In order to prevent misuse, the process should pay attention to the nameplate of the Note marked. Important valve should have enough accessories, such as location, limit switches, and so on. Pneumatic actuator nameplate at least to be marked according to the new pneumatic solenoid valve standard (GB/T4213-92) Out the matter of the manufacturer's name, product type, rated flow coefficient, design number, product number and year of manufacture. Have enough space for the installation and operation of space, there is enough space for installation and operation, there is enough Lighting, has strict rules. The body should be cast out or out of said medium flow direction arrow and the word DN value and PN and numerical. 2, the manufacturer of the manufacturing techniques and testing methods must comply with the standards, signed by the competent authority recognized. Prohibited does not have the production conditions of small factories for production. Ensure the selection of quality solenoid valve solenoid valve To go through a rigorous calculation; type, caliber, and the performance required to meet the requirements; various parts of the material of the solenoid valve is necessary to strictly select must be of sufficient strength and stiffness, according to national standards through the pressure test, Air tightness test
为确保ASCO电磁阀的工作性能和可靠性,必须做到如下要求: 1、确保可靠的操作性这里不公指电磁阀本身的制造质量,而且包括对操作人员的培训和素质的提高。为了防止误操作,工艺人员一定要注意铭牌所 标示的注意事项。重要的阀门都要有足够的附件,如定位器、限位开关等。根据我国新的气动电磁阀标准(GB/T4213-92)气动执行机构的铭牌至少要标 出制造厂名、产品型号、额定流量系数、设计位号、产品编号及制造年月等事项。要有足够的安装空间和操作空间,有足够的安装空间和操作,有足够的 照明,有严格的操作规程。阀体上则应铸出或冲出表示介质流动方向的箭头和DN数值以及PN的字样及数值。 2、生产厂家的制造技术和测试方法必须符合标准,要由主管部门签定认可。严禁不具备生产条件的小厂进行生产。保证电磁阀的质量电磁阀的选用 要经过严格的计算;类型、口径、各项性能都要符合要求;电磁阀各种零件的材料要严格选择,要有足够的强度和刚度,要按照国家标准通过耐压试验, 气密性等试验。
To ensure the performance and reliability of the solenoid valve, you must do the following requirements: To ensure reliable operation unfair to refer to the solenoid valve manufacturing quality, but also improve operator training and quality. In order to prevent misuse, the process should pay attention to the nameplate of the Note marked. Important valve should have enough accessories, such as location, limit switches, and so on. Pneumatic actuator nameplate at least to be marked according to the new pneumatic solenoid valve standard (GB/T4213-92) Out the matter of the manufacturer's name, product type, rated flow coefficient, design number, product number and year of manufacture. Have enough space for the installation and operation of space, there is enough space for installation and operation, there is enough Lighting, has strict rules. The body should be cast out or out of said medium flow direction arrow and the word DN value and PN and numerical. 2, the manufacturer of the manufacturing techniques and testing methods must comply with the standards, signed by the competent authority recognized. Prohibited does not have the production conditions of small factories for production. Ensure the selection of quality solenoid valve solenoid valve To go through a rigorous calculation; type, caliber, and the performance required to meet the requirements; various parts of the material of the solenoid valve is necessary to strictly select must be of sufficient strength and stiffness, according to national standards through the pressure test, Air tightness test