
点击量: 213393 来源: 广东东盛仪表器材有限公司

Composite Chart
记录纸 、记录笔 Printed by use of a basic electro and an
overlay electro, usually of two different
ranges as required. Acomposite chart can
only be used if both ranges are compatible in
line layout

Retard Charts( 记录纸 、记录笔)
Those having an area which the range is
suppressed of retarded by means of a wire
applied to the spring. The retarded areas may
be either or both the inner or outer limits of
the chart. Such charts are used primarily in
the dairy industry. The use of retard wires
suppresses the action of the thermal system
so that the low and high temperatures can be
included on the chart and still keep the
pasteurization zone as wide as possible.
Retard charts give the widest spaced scale
division possible for the pasteurization zone
on working range of the chart and linit the
travel of the pen on the remaining or retarded

更多 记录纸、胎鉴纸、圆图纸、打印头、记录笔 可咨询我公司jilubi网站