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Span  仪表感热纸
This is used to align the traces with chart full scale, and operates in exactly the same way as described above for chart
zero, except, of course, that the alignment is carried out to the 100% chart grid line, not the 0% grid line.

3.2.6 Time and date setting
Note: This section applies to continuous-trace recorders only if they are fitted with the annotation op-tion.
Figure 3.2.6 shows the key strokes necessary to set the time and date (in this example to 10 minutes to 4 o'clock pm
on the 1st May 1998), and how to set the date format to European (Eu) which is Day/Month Year, or American
(USA) which is Month/Day/Year. The clock re-starts at each operation of the Enter key, although it is not printed on
the chart until the recorder is returned to its 'on-line' status using the Cancel (X) key.

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