
点击量: 196508 来源: 广东东盛仪表器材有限公司
随着信息化与工业化深度**,核电厂信息**变得日益重要。网络系统因为其固有的脆弱性,带来了一定的潜在危险,因此评估网络系统的脆弱性具有重要意义。本文通过分析面临的威胁和详细的网络系统的脆弱性,主要包括SCADA(监控和数据的脆弱性采集)系统, 记录纸 EMS(能源管理系统)和MIS(管理信息系统),确定电力行业的风险,找出根据IEC 62443标准,确定进行信息系统分析评估的方式,步骤和措施,并与广泛使用的核电站概率**评价(psa)的**怕你国家方法进行比较,通过论述说明风险评估是保障核电信息**的一个重要条件。
With the integration of information technology and industrialization developent, the nuclear power plant's information secruity has become increasingly important. the cyber system brings some hidden danger because of its inherent vulnerability. So it is significant to assess the vulnerability of cyber system ,to determine the risk and the wesk parts of power industry ,and to set appropriate response for the potential accidents of the cyber system. Starting from the point of view of the nuclear power industry information securit , this paper descriibes the virus invasion means and protecrion methods ,information system risk addeddment steps and measures in the industry contorl systems in accordance with IEC 62443 Standard , with the widespread use of nuclear power plant probabilistic safety assessment method . Finally, it describes he risk assessment as an important condition for the protection of the cyber security of nuclear power.