RF Amplifier, 80 MHz - 1 GHz, 100W, 50 dB Gain
专业销售/收购/维修、租赁二手仪器设备 手机:/李汉明,曾小姐,QQ308966
The Kalmus 7100LC-CE is a 100 Watt RF Power Amplifier designed for use from 80 MHz to 1000 MHz. The 7100LC-CE has greater than 50 dB power gain, with leveled flatness of 1 dB. The 7100LC-CE has 18 dB of front panel gain control, and indicators of forward and reflected power. The 7100LC-CE is CE certified, and the design offers optional GPIB or RS-232 Interface options.
7100年lc-ce大于50 dB功率增益,夷平了平坦的1 dB。7100年lc-ce 18分贝的前面板控制,及指标的向前,反射功率。
7100 lc-ce CE认证,GPIB或rs - 232接口的设计提供了可选的选项。