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近日,美国微生物学会会刊Antimicrob Agents Chemotheraphy(简称AAC)发表了中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院研究员陈小平课题组关于HIV蛋白酶抑制剂(HIV-PI)茚地那韦治疗和预防猴疟疾感染的科研论文。该研究证实在治疗HIV感染的临床用药剂量下,茚地那韦能有效抑制猴子体内的疟原虫繁殖,同时发现应用该药有预防猴疟原虫感染的作用。 此项成果是该团队在过去几年中通过体外模型和小鼠模型的研究,发现和证实HIV-PI(利托那韦、茚地那韦等)有抑制疟原虫的活性,并与氯喹有协同效应的基础上,进一步利用中国恒河猴疟疾模型来验证HIV-PI类药物中茚地那韦具有抑制猴子体内的疟原虫繁殖和预防疟疾感染作用的研究成果。尽管在猴模型中,单一的茚地那韦治疗不能彻底根治疟疾,需要应用氯喹或联合应用氯喹才能根治,但该系列研究具有重要的临床应用前景:一、全球每年约有5亿人感染疟疾,其中绝大部分病人感染的是氯喹抗性的疟原虫,单用氯喹无效,联合应用茚地那韦可能完全恢复氯喹的抗疟疾疗效;二、非洲和东南亚地区是艾滋病和疟疾双重疾病的重灾区,HIV和疟原虫共感染的现象很普遍,如果在这些地区对HIV感染者开展含有茚地那韦的抗病毒疗法(鸡尾酒疗法),既可以有效地治疗HIV感染,又能有效地预防疟疾感染和辅助疟疾的治疗。(生物谷 Bioon.com)


The Antimalarial Effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Protease Inhibitors in Rhesus Macaques

Youjia Li, Li Qin, Nanzheng Peng, Guangjie Liu, Siting Zhao, Zhengxiang He, and Xiaoping Chen Many persistent pain states (pain lasting for hours, days, or longer) are poorly treated because of the limitations of existing therapies. Analgesics such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids often provide incomplete pain relief and prolonged use results in the development of severe side effects. Identification of the key mediators of various types of pain could improve such therapies. Here, we tested the hypothesis that hitherto unrecognized cytokines and chemokines might act as mediators in inflammatory pain. We used ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation to induce persistent, abnormal sensitivity to pain in humans and rats. The expression of more than 90 different inflammatory mediators was measured in treated skin at the peak of UVB-induced hypersensitivity with custom-made