HHF81风速计 美国omega
4合1空气速度计 - 风速计、湿度计、照度计、温度计 HHF81 4合1空气速度计 - 风速计、湿度计、照度计、温度计
空气流速和温度或湿度和温度的同时读数 **的光电二极管和彩色滤光片的光传感器,光谱满足压燃式发动机 标准的K型热电偶SMP输入杰克适合所有类型的K探针 力士/英尺烛光可选按面板上的按钮 该hhf81风速计可以测量空气流量,湿度,温度和光照。内置的微处理器电路保证了优异的性能和精度。该hhf81可以跟踪的*大值和*小值随着电流读数。在你选择的hhf81结显示流量,米每秒,每小时公里,英里每小时,甚至每分钟英尺。 该hhf81依赖于低摩擦球轴承安装盘的设计在高和低的空气速度提供高精度。叶轮提供了良好的精度(±3到4%)和能力来衡量的微风(0.3米/秒)。
温度读数,该hhf81内部有一个热敏电阻或是任何K型热电偶与SMP公连接器兼容,并**到±1°C + 1%的阅读。湿度传感器测量到95%相对湿度的变化,利用快速响应的高精度薄膜电容传感器。
规格: AIR VELOCITY Measurement Range: 80 to 5910 ft/min, 0.4 to 30.0 m/s, 0.9 to 67.0 mph, 1.4 to 108.0 km/hr, 0.8 to 58.3 knots, 0.8 to 58.3 knots Resolution: 1 ft/min, 0.1 m/s, 0.1 mph, 0.1 km/hr, 0.1 knots Accuracy: ≤20 m/s: 3% FS >20 m/s: 4% FS TEMPERATURE (Internal Thermistor) Measurement Range: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Resolution: 0.1°C/°F Accuracy: ±1.2°C (±2.5°F) Operational Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) TEMPERATURE (External Type K Thermocouple) Measurement Range: -100 to 1300°C (-148 to 2372°F) Resolution: 0.1°F/°C Accuracy: ±(1% + 1°C) of rdg [±(1% + 2°F) of rdg] HUMIDITY Measurement Range: 10 to 95% Resolution: 0.1% Accuracy: <70% RH: ±4% of rdg ≥70% RH: ±(4% rdg + 1.2 % RH) Operational Humidity Max.: 80% RH LIGHT LUX Measurement Range: 0 to 2200 Lux, 1800 to 20000 Lux, 0 to 204.0 Fc, 170 to 2000 Fc Resolution: 1 Lux, 10 Lux, 0.1 Ft-cd, 1 Ft-cd Accuracy: ±(5% rdg +8 dgt) Overange Display: “----” Battery: 9V (included) Power Consumption: Approx. DC 6.2 mA Weight: 160 g (0.4 lb) battery included Dimensions: 156 x 60 x 33 mm (6.14 x 2.36 x 1.29")
注释: Comes complete with operators manual and 9 V battery.
产品型号/产品描述 HHF81 Air flow meter 选配件
KHSS-18E-RSC-12 Type K thermocouple—exposed element for air KTSS-HH Type K thermocouple—grounded element for air or liquids 5SRTC-TT-K-24-36 5 pk of K Thermocouples with connectors SMPW-K-M Type K SMP male connector with write on window MN1604 replacement 9 V battery CAL-3-FLOW NIST traceable 4-point calibration certificate
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