压力和应变测量仪器 ? 数字仪表和控制器 ? DP35 过程指示器,DPM35A小型化1/32 DIN型号,DP35回路供电1/8 DIN型号 DP35
3 1/2 Digit Display User-Selectable Inputs Minimal Panel Depth 0.2% Accuracy 10-30 Vdc Power, Isolated Scalable to Engineering Units, with Selectable Decimal Point
产品描述 The DPM35A is a compact process indicator, requiring only than 70 mm of depth behind a panel. This instrument utilizes a 45 x 22.2 mm cutout, 1/32 DIN, with large, 10 mm display digits. Inputs are connected via a rear screw clamp connector. The DPM35A can accept input voltage ranges ,from 0 to 200 Vdc, and current from 0 to 50 mA. In addition, the unit can be scaled for both zero and span, to display in engineering units. The decimal point position is also jumper selected. The DP35 is an 1/8 DIN loop powered process indicator that can be jumper configured to select one of three input ranges, 1-5 mA, 4-20 mA or 10-50 mA. Like the DPM35A, the DP35 can be scaled for both zero and span to display in engineering units and has jumper selectable decimal point position.
注: Comes with complete operator’s manual.
产品编号 产品描述 DP35 1/8 DIN LCD process indicator, loop powered
DPM35A 1/32 DIN LED process indicator
粤公网安备 44030402001380号