OSM101美国OMEGA OSM101高精密
非接触式红外至模拟转换器模块 OSM101 1年保修 CE 非接触式红外至模拟转换器模块 OSM101:非接触式红外至模拟转换器模块 Works Directly with all Type-K Thermocouple Meters Non-Contact IR Temperature Measurement Pocket-Size Portability and Battery Powered -18 to 538°C (0 to 1000°F) Range Built-In Patented Laser Dot/Circle Sighting Adjustable Emissivity 0.1 to 1.0 Low Battery Indicator The low-cost, battery-powered Model OSM101 Infrared-to-Analog Converter Module is a portable,
miniature design unit Model Thermocouple Temperature Range that converts the non-contact infrared energy to a compensated K-type thermocouple output which can go to any thermocouple metering device for display or recording.
The unit has a unique built-in laser circle/dot sighting for ease of aiming.
产品型号 产品描述 OSM101 IR to Analog Converter, Type K OM-NOMAD-BATT 3.6V AA Lithium battery replacement
粤公网安备 44030402001380号