PCL-5000D Omega校验仪PCL-5000D
便携式压力校准器,带内部压力源 PCL-5000 2年保修 便携式压力校准器,带内部压力源 PCL-5000:便携式压力校准器,带内部压力源 PCL-5000A 0.05% FS Accuracy 双尺度计和**压力范围 便携式,重量轻,约11公斤(24磅) NIST提供证书 所有软管,接头,连接器提供 电压/电流互感器测试显示模式 超压保护 为传感器,现场快速校准发射机,计,和许多其他的压敏器件,欧米茄?pcl-5000系列校准器提供高精度,可靠性,和自动按钮操作。欧米茄的pcl-5000便携式压力校验仪的设计,精度较高的压力范围内的校准(20至2000磅),有其自身的2000磅氮气缸。它还提供了按键操作和开关可选择的校准模式的**或gagepressure。一种极为**的仪器(±0.05% fs),该pcl-5000配有快速断开输入和输出压力配件和软管。该pcl-5100,一个从30英寸汞柱100 psi范围低压单元,提供了五个独立的可选择的范围。专为崎岖的野外使用,它的重量不到25磅,有自己内置的压力和真空源。
规格 Overall Accuracy: ±0.05% FS Max. (Accuracy statement includes all effects of linearity, hysteresis, repeatability and ambient temperature.) Operating Temperature: 5 to 43°C (40 to 110°F) Internal Pressure Cylinder: Capacity: 9.0 standard cubic feet; Volume: 80 cubic inches; Rating: 2015 psi Overpressure Rupture Disc Rating: 3000 psig, nominal Pressure Media Filter: Rating: 7 microns, nominal; Type: field replaceable filter cartridge Control Valves: Type: Micrometering with positive shutoff. Adjustable stop and replaceable seat, non-destructible Fill and Test Ports: Style quick disconnect type; Pressure rating: 3000 psig, min. connected or disconnected Pressure Hoses: Quantity supplied: Two (1 input, 1 output); Length: 1.5 m (5 ft), nominal, each hose Built-in Carrying Case: Rugged aluminum case with sealed cover and carrying handle Weight: 11 kg (24 lb) (including all hoses and cables) Size: 250 W x 410 L x 290 mm D (10 W x 16 L x 11.5" H)
产品型号 产品描述 PCL-5000A Portable pressure calibrator with selectable ranges of 0-2000, 0-1000, and 0-400 psig and psia PCL-5000B Portable pressure calibrator with selectable ranges of 0-1000, 0-500, and 0-200 psig and psia PCL-5000C Portable pressure calibrator with selectable ranges of 0-500, 0-250, and 0-100 psig and psia PCL-5000D Portable pressure calibrator with selectable ranges of 0-100, 0-50, and 0-20 psig PCL-5000DB Portable pressure calibrator with selectable ranges of 0-100, 0-50, and 0-20 psia PCL-5100 Portable vacuum/pressure calibrator with 30 InHg vacuum to 100 psig range
粤公网安备 44030402001380号