德国德图testo 815噪音计/testo 815 testo 815 声级计、噪音计
声级计,套装,精度等级2 L,包括仪器箱,麦克风,防风帽和电池 testo 815噪音计用于暖通空调系统、舞厅、机器、燃烧器等的噪音测量,是日常应用的理想之选。testo 815 声级计、噪音计的优点一览:
testo 815 声级计噪音计的技术数据 - testo 815
testo 815 声级计噪音计的探头类型/声级
testo 815 声级计噪音计的附件一览 - testo 815
The low-cost measuring instrument for...
The Testo 815 Testo816 provides an accurate and low cost measurement of sound.Features include: attachable microphone to avoid measuring errorsdigital suppression of noise enables accurate measurements at low sound levelscalibration via keyboard