LUYOR-21紫外线闪光灯曝光适用配合机型: 佳能:E-TTL,E-TTL II; 尼康:i-TTL,D-TTL,3D; 索尼/美能达:ADI; 奥林巴斯/松下:4/3 TTL; 宾得/三星:P-TTL
General: The specially developed UV-Reflector of our LUYOR-21 UV-Flash light offers the possiblity to document the results of a non-destructive testing with fluorescent penetrants by taking pictures which allows a permanent archiving.The photographic documentation is especially interesting in the context of quality control and quality management.
LUYOR-21 紫外线闪光灯的外观及功能类似于专业拍照闪光灯。 并可以配合目前市面主要使用的多款数码相机。能够将荧光渗透检测的结果,通过数码相机拍照后,方便的保存到电脑里。方便及时的做出检测报告,同时也方便以后任意调取现场图样做比对。