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日期:2025-02-21 18:51
摘要: ACM Ascent Control Module (ACM) global controller base unit, including power, BACnet MS/TP, TCP/IP, BACnet/Ethernet, and BACnet/IP ACM-BATT External battery pack for ACM. AXM-10-4-8 I/O expansion module for the ACM with ACM-DR-VLX, with ten 12-bit inputs, 4 binary triac outputs, and 8 analog outputs. Outputs equipped with hand-off-auto (H-O-A) switches for manual output override. Replaces legacy EXP-10-4-8 for VLX. AXM-10-12-0 I/O expansion module for the ACM with ACM-DR-VLX, with ten 1

ACM Ascent Control Module (ACM) global controller base unit, including power, BACnet MS/TP, TCP/IP, BACnet/Ethernet, and BACnet/IP
ACM-BATT External battery pack for ACM.
AXM-10-4-8 I/O expansion module for the ACM with ACM-DR-VLX, with ten 12-bit inputs, 4 binary triac outputs, and 8 analog outputs. Outputs equipped with hand-off-auto (H-O-A) switches for manual output override. Replaces legacy EXP-10-4-8 for VLX.
AXM-10-12-0 I/O expansion module for the ACM with ACM-DR-VLX, with ten 12-bit inputs and 12 binary triac outputs. Outputs equipped with hand-off-auto (H-O-A) switches for manual output override. Replaces legacy EXP-10-12-0 for VLX.
AXM-22-0-0 Input expansion module for the ACM with ACM-DR-VLX, with twenty-two 12-bit inputs. Replaces legacy EXP-22-0-0 for VLX.
ACM010 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 10 directly connected devices
ACM025 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 25 directly connected devices
ACM032 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 32 directly connected devices
ACM064 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 64 directly connected devices
ACM128 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 128 directly connected devices
ACM256 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 256 directly connected devices
ACM384 Licenses the ACM for capacity of 384 directly connected devices
ACM-MDBS-DR-RTU Software driver for the ACM for communicating with MODBUS devices over RS-232 or RS-485
ACM-MDBS-DR-TCP Software driver for the ACM for communicating with MODBUS devices over Ethernet using TCP
ACM-DR-VLX Software driver for the ACM for running 1 additional instance of the VLX-PLATINUM plant controller application on 1 trunk of up to 8 EXP I/O module
AL-DP-4 Increases Alerton device capacity on the ACM by 4
AL-DP-32 Increases Alerton device capacity on the ACM by 32
AL-DP-64 Increases Alerton device capacity on the ACM by 64
AL-DP-128 Increases Alerton device capacity on the ACM by 128
AL-DP-256 Increases Alerton device capacity on the ACM by 256
AX016 Licenses the ACM with device capacity of 16 AX devices
AX032 Licenses the ACM with device capacity of 32 AX devices
AX064 Licenses the ACM with device capacity of 64 AX devices
AX128 Licenses the ACM with device capacity of 128 AX devices
AX256 Licenses the ACM with device capacity of 256 AX devices
AX-DP-32 Increases AX device capacity on the ACM by 32
AX-DP-64 Increases AX device capacity on the ACM by 64
AX-DP-128 Increases AX device capacity on the ACM by 128
I-DR-BACNET-AX BACnet IP Client over Ethernet (discover and map BACnet devices into AX)
I-DR-BAC-SR-AX BACnet Server (includes BACnet IP Client driver) – (discover, map, create BACnet objects into AX) Enterprise Driver (Note: When using this driver, there is no need to purchase the I-DR-BACNET-AX driver)
I-DR-BAC-SR-EXP-AX BACnet Server only; Add IP Server (must order BACnet Client driver separately) – (Create BACnet objects) Enterprise Driver (Note: For connectivity to MSTP devices, you must use the I-DR-MSTP-AX driver)
I-WP-AX-WEB Alerton Embedded Workbench, version 3.8. The ACM has an "OPEN" NIC Statement by default, but can be closed by the dealer thru Niagara Central
I-DR-ILON-AX LON® over IP, using CEA-852, communicates through IP/LON router
I-DR-LON-AX LON® over twisted pair
I-DR-MDB-RTU-AX Modbus RTU over RS-232 or RS-485
I-DR-MDB-TCP-AX Modbus TCP over Ethernet
ACM-DR-MSTP-AX MS/TP driver, support 6 MS/TP trunks
I-DR-SNMP-AX SNMP over Ethernet
A-WP-AX Alerton-branded, stand-alone copy of Workplace AX, version 3.8. Supports both Supervisor and Niagara devices. Allows for multiple station connections to engineer Niagara devices. Note: You cannot run a station on your local machine with Workplace AX.
ACM-OC-2XTUX Option card for the ACM for communicating with legacy TUX controllers
ACM-OC-2X485 Dual Port EIA-485 Option Card
ACM-OC-232 Single Port EIA-232 Option Card
ACM-OC-LON 78 Kbps FTT 10 A LON® adapter. Uses one of the two option card slots on the ACM
MS4-TH Microset 4 with temperature and humidity sensors
MS4-TH-NL Microset 4 with temperature and humidity sensors and no logo
MS4-TH-MSTP MS/TP Microset 4 with temperature and humidity sensors
MS4-THC Microset 4 with temperature, humidity, and CO2 sensors
MS4-FOAM Microset 4 Back Foam, 25-pack
BCM-WEB BCM-WEB control module
BCM-FPCS BACtalk Control Module foreign protocol converter for Siemens P1 devices.
715000000 BCM Power Supply Module (BCM-PWS). BACtalk Control Module power supply. Supports up to seven BCM modules.
715000100 BCM Ethernet Module (BCM-ETH). BACtalk Control Module with 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet and one MS/TP connection to BACnet internetwork. Requires BCM-PWS for power.
715000200 BCM Modem Module (BCM-MDM). BACtalk Control Module to provide modem access.
715000300 BCM MS/TP Module (BCM-MS/TP). BACtalk Control Module with one MS/TP connection.
715000900 BCM-MDBS. BACtalk Control Module with Modbus gateway.
BT-VIEWPORT Viewport™ wall-mounted compact operator terminal.
VLCA-1688 BACnet controller with 16 universal inputs, 8 binary outputs and 8 analog outputs
VAV-DD7 Dual-duct VAV controller. Four inputs, 2 flow transducers, 3 binary triac outputs, and 4 ground-switching binary triac outputs.
VAV-DD7-F Dual-duct VAV controller with filter. Four inputs, 2 flow transducers, 3 binary triac outputs, and 4 ground-switching binary triac outputs.
VAV-DD Dual-duct VAV controller. Four inputs, 2 flow transducers, 4 ground-switching binary triac outputs.
VAV-DD-F Dual-duct VAV controller with filter. Four inputs, 2 flow transducers, 4 ground-switching binary triac outputs.

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