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日期:2025-02-22 16:54
摘要:IQ3XCITE/BAC/UP Firmware version 2.0 with BacNet capability update for IQ3XCITE controller IQ4/IC/ADPT/10 Pack of 10 I/O bus cable adapters (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller) IQ4/IC/ADPT/2 Pack of 2 I/O bus cable adapters (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller) IQ4/IC/LINK/5 Pack of 5 spare rigid I/O bus interconnectors (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller) IQ4/IC/TERM/5 Pack of 5 spare I/O bus terminators (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller) IQ4/IO/16DI I/O Module with 1
IQ3XCITE/BAC/UP Firmware version 2.0 with BacNet capability update for IQ3XCITE controller
IQ4/IC/ADPT/10 Pack of 10 I/O bus cable adapters (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller)
IQ4/IC/ADPT/2 Pack of 2 I/O bus cable adapters (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller)
IQ4/IC/LINK/5 Pack of 5 spare rigid I/O bus interconnectors (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller)
IQ4/IC/TERM/5 Pack of 5 spare I/O bus terminators (for IQ4/IO modules and IQ4E controller)
IQ4/IO/16DI I/O Module with 16 digital input channels
IQ4/IO/4DO I/O Module with 4 digital output channels
IQ4/IO/4UIO I/O Module with 4 universal inputs/outputs
IQ4/IO/8AO I/O Module with 8 analogue outputs
IQ4/IO/8AO/HOA I/O Module with 8 analogue output channels and manual override, I/O模块
IQ4/IO/8DI I/O Module with 8 digital inputs
IQ4/IO/8DO I/O Module with 8 digital output channels
IQ4/IO/8DO/HOA I/O Module with 8 digital/relay output channels and manual override, I/O模块
IQ4/IO/8UI I/O Module with 8 universal inputs
IQ4/IO/8UIO I/O Module with 8 universal input/output channels
IQ4/IO/LABELS/5 Label carrier for IQ4/IO/HOA modules (5 off)
IQ411/230 IQ411 with 230 Vac supply with Ethernet
IQ411/24VAC IQ411 with 24 Vac supply with Ethernet
IQ411/BAC/230 IQ411 with 230 Vac supply with Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ411/BAC/24VAC IQ411 with 24 Vac supply with Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ411/LAN/230 IQ411 with 230 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan and Ethernet
IQ411/LAN/24VAC IQ411 with 24 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan and Ethernet
IQ411/LAN/BAC/230 IQ411 with 230 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan, Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ411/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ411 with 24 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan, Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ412/230 IQ412 with 230 Vac supply with Ethernet
IQ412/24VAC IQ412 with 24 Vac supply with Ethernet
IQ412/BAC/230 IQ412 with 230 Vac supply with Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ412/BAC/24VAC IQ412 with 24 Vac supply with Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ412/LAN/230 IQ412 with 230 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan and Ethernet
IQ412/LAN/24VAC IQ412 with 24 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan and Ethernet
IQ412/LAN/BAC/230 IQ412 with 230 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan, Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ412/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ412 with 24 Vac supply with Trend current loop Lan, Ethernet and BACnet IP option
IQ422/00/XNC/BAC/230 "IQ422 with 230 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet and BACnet over IP without
inputs or outputs"
IQ422/00/XNC/BAC/24VAC "IQ422 with 24 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet and BACnet over IP without
inputs or outputs"
IQ422/00/XNC/LAN/BAC/230 "IQ422 with 230 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet, Trend current loop Lan and
BACnet over IP without inputs or outputs"
IQ422/00/XNC/LAN/BAC/24VAC "IQ422 with 24 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet, Trend current loop Lan and
BACnet over IP without inputs or outputs"
IQ422/12/230 IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 230 Vac supply Ethernet
IQ422/12/24VAC IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 24 Vac supply Ethernet
IQ422/12/BAC/230 IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 230 Vac supply Ethernet and BACnet over IP
IQ422/12/BAC/24VAC IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 24 Vac supply Ethernet and BACnet over IP
IQ422/12/LAN/230 IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 230 Vac supply Trend current loop Lan and Ethernet
IQ422/12/LAN/24VAC IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 24 Vac supply Trend current loop Lan and Ethernet
IQ422/12/LAN/BAC/230 IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 230 Vac supply Trend current loop Lan Ethernet and BACnet over IP
IQ422/12/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ422 controller 6UI 6AO 24 Vac supply Trend current loop Lan Ethernet and BACnet over IP
IQ422/12/XNC/BAC/230 "IQ422 with 230 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet and BACnet over IP with 6
universal inputs and 6 analogue voltage outputs"
IQ422/12/XNC/BAC/24VAC IQ422 with 24 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet and BACnet over IP with 6 universal inputs and 6 analogue voltage outputs
IQ422/12/XNC/LAN/BAC/230 "IQ422 with 230 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet, Trend current loop Lan and
BACnet over IP with 6 universal inputs and 6 analogue voltage outputs"
IQ422/12/XNC/LAN/BAC/24VAC "IQ422 with 24 Vac supply, XNC functionality, Ethernet, Trend current loop Lan and
BACnet over IP with 6 universal inputs and 6 analogue voltage outputs"
IQ4E/128/BAC/230 IQ4E with 128 I/O channels and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/128/BAC/24VAC IQ4E expandable to 128 I/O channels and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/128/LAN/BAC/230 IQ4E with 128 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/128/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ4E expandable to 128 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/128-160/UP Upgrade from 128 to 160 channels
IQ4E/16/BAC/230 IQ4E with 16 I/O channels and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/16/BAC/24VAC IQ4E with 16 I/O channels and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/16/LAN/BAC/230 IQ4E with 16 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/16/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ4E with 16 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/160/BAC/230 IQ4E with 160 I/O channels and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/160/BAC/24VAC IQ4E expandable to 160 I/O channels and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/160/LAN/BAC/230 IQ4E with 160 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/160/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ4E expandable to 160 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/160-192/UP Upgrade from 160 to 192 channels
IQ4E/16-32/UP Upgrade from 16 to 32 channels
IQ4E/192/BAC/230 IQ4E with 192 I/O channels and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/192/BAC/24VAC IQ4E expandable to 192 I/O channels and 24 Vac supply
IQ4E/192/LAN/BAC/230 IQ4E with 192 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 230 Vac supply
IQ4E/192/LAN/BAC/24VAC IQ4E expandable to 192 I/O channels, Trend current loop and 24 Vac supply

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