  文件名称:  Fluke SmartView 3.4 升级
  公司名称:  深圳市维信仪器仪表有限公司
  下载次数:   1766
  Fluke SmartView
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Fluke SmartView 3.4  升级 »

Ti9, Ti10, Ti25, Ti27, Ti29, Ti32, Ti40, Ti40FT, Ti45, Ti45FT, Ti50, Ti50FT, Ti55, Ti55FT, Ti100, Ti105, Ti110, Ti125, Ti200, Ti300, Ti400, TiR, TiR1, TiR2, TiR2FT, TiR3, TiR3FT TiR4, TiR4FT, TiR27, TiR29, TiR32, TiR105, TiR110, TiR125, TiS, VT02, and VT04

SmartView 3.4 的新功能


  • Support for Ti400, Ti300, Ti200 and VT04
  • Support for remote control feature
    • Virtually press the buttons and/or touchscreen available on your thermal imager
  • Support for Windows 8
  • Upgrade Ti1xx imagers to enable communication with CNX™ 3000 Wireless Test Tools*
    • Connect your Ti1xx thermal imager to SmartView and select, "Enable CNX wireless system" to increase the capabilities of your thermal imager
  • Support for CNX Wireless measurements captured with Ti1xx series thermal imagers
    • Measurements from Fluke CNX 3000 series Test Tools are saved with thermal images for additional analysis and inclusion in reports
  • Report template customization incorporated into Microsoft® Word 2010
    • Fully customize your reports to meet your needs
  • Apply a severity rating to each image
    • Rate each image with a user defined severity rating system to easily prioritize actions
  • Include an automated inspection summary in reports
    • Summarize the items inspected including the severity rating for each image to quickly navigate to report pages with top priority
  • Note: Help files are in English only

* - Not available in all countries
