TOS8830C is aimed to meet the needs of manufacturing plants across Asia for more compact testers while maintaining the level of quality and reliability inherent in our existing product portfolio. TOS8830C supports withstanding voltage tests involving power outputs of up to 4 kVAC/100 mA (transformer capacity of 500 VA), as well as insulation resistance tests at up to 500 V/999.9 M Ohm. While each of these tests can be conducted separately, it is also possible to have a series of tests run in succession automatically, as in cases where a withstanding voltage test is performed first followed by an insulation resistance test or vice versa. While inheriting the valuable assets of “ease of operation and safety” from its predecessors, TOS8830C adopts an operator-friendly design including an easy-to-view LED digital meter. The structure of the tester and its circuit have also been reviewed and optimized thoroughly, making TOS8830C smaller and lighter.
Note: This model is available for AC Input Voltage of 220V only.
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