The TOS5052 is a special tester designed for withstand-voltage testing of electronic equipment and components conforming to various official safety standards. In addition to having an output of 5 kV AC at 100 mA, this model permits output voltage presetting, selection of output frequency (50 or 60 Hz), and rise-time control to control time for voltage to reach a preset level. The display uses a large, high-brightness, color fluorescent tube for clear display of numbers, operation status, results, and other information.For fast and accurate testing, the TOS5052 permits dual-axis operation of the test voltage range selector switch and voltage setting knob, and separate up-down keys for determination current and timer settings. Easier to use than ever before, the TOS5052 also incorporates various safety and security features, including key lock, interlock, high-voltage output terminals limiting the number of insertion holes, and large “DANGER” warning lamps. These features make using the TOS5052 safe and reliable.
TOS5052菊水KIKUSUI 耐压测试仪特性:
上升时间控制功能搭载有数字电压计和电流计便于判断状态的大显示屏用来设定准确时间的数字计时器输出电压预置功能输出频率 可在50Hz/60Hz之间切换各类远程控制功能和各类信号输出功能
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