BENTAX Series 4 Sterilisation and ionisation systems for applications in cool rooms and food areas.
For an efficient and powerful air decontamination and odour neutralisation even in cool rooms. Application in the food industry, storage rooms, food stores, cellars and archives, sanitary rooms.
Noiseless operation
Ceiling- or wall mounted 目前,在科学技术和工业领域应用较多的发生器有电弧等离子体发生器、工频电弧等离子体发生器、高频感应等离子体发生器、低气压等离子体发生器、燃烧等离子体发生器五类。 *典型的为电弧、高频感应、低气压等离子体发生器三类。它们的放电特性分别属于弧光放电、高频感应弧光放电和辉光放电等类型。
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