MFT-316-5密封件 美国omega
多芯馈通,压合型,用于真空或压力密封 MFT 多芯馈通,压合型,用于真空或压力密封 MFT:多芯馈通,压合型,用于真空或压力密封 MFT-18-3 压力或真空应用 热电偶 多重保护管密封 安装螺纹NPT 高达16的探针1拟合 空白的封口塞,包括无需额外费用 所有这些新的多馈入装置设计中需要使用的几个传感器通过墙壁或舱壁在一个开口或小范围内的应用。重型416不锈钢结构允许该拟合可用于高压力或真空应用。0.040“和0.250”之间的探针可用于这些feedthoughs。探针每馈通数*多为3个1 / 4“直径的探头,5或3 / 16“直径8,1 / 8“直径16,1 / 16“直径16或0.040“直径。 所有的多馈入提供标准的形式与不锈钢套管。不锈钢套管变形成为长久。如果它是必需的,探针被安装好几次在不同深度的引线,应采用聚四氟乙烯套筒。聚四氟乙烯?套圈不变形探针护套,可以使相同的探针可以重复使用。用于出线套管是用标准omegalok?压缩配件的套圈相同。
产品型号 产品描述 MFT-040-3 Feedthrough for three .040" diameter probes with a 1/4" NPTM fitting MFT-040-5 Feedthrough for five .040" diameter probes with a 1/4" NPTM fitting MFT-040-6 Feedthrough for six .040" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-040-8 Feedthrough for eight .040" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-040-10 Feedthrough for ten .040" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-040-12 Feedthrough for twelve .040" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-040-16 Feedthrough for sixteen .040" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-116-3 Feedthrough for three 1/16" diameter probes with a 1/4" NPTM fitting MFT-116-5 Feedthrough for five 1/16" diameter probes with a 1/4" NPTM fitting MFT-116-6 Feedthrough for six 1/16" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-116-8 Feedthrough for eight 1/16" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-116-10 Feedthrough for ten 1/16" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-116-12 Feedthrough for twelve 1/16" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-116-16 Feedthrough for sixteen 1/16" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-18-3 Feedthrough for three 1/8" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-18-4 Feedthrough for four 1/8" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-18-6 Feedthrough for six 1/8" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-18-8 Feedthrough for eight 1/8" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-316-3 Feedthrough for three 3/16" diameter probes with a 1/2" NPTM fitting MFT-316-5 Feedthrough for five 3/16" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting MFT-14-3 Feedthrough for three 1/4" diameter probes with a 3/4" NPTM fitting T-FER-040 Package of 10 replacement PTFE ferrules for .040" diameter probes T-FER-1/16 Package of 10 replacement PTFE ferrules for 1/16" diameter probes T-FER-1/8 Package of 10 replacement PTFE ferrules for 1/8" diameter probes T-FER-1/4 Package of 10 replacement PTFE ferrules for 1/4" diameter probes SS-FER-040 Package of 10 replacement 316SS ferrules for .040" diameter probes SS-FER-1/16 Package of 10 replacement 316SS ferrules for 1/16" diameter probes SS-FER-1/8 Package of 10 replacement 316SS ferrules for 1/8" diameter probes SS-FER-1/4 Package of 10 replacement 316SS ferrules for 1/4" diameter probes
产品型号说明 (1) (2) MFT- 选项描述 (1) Diameter of Probe in Inches 选择 040 代表 for 0.040 Inch 116 代表 for 1/16 Inch 18 代表 for 1/8 Inch 316 代表 for 3/16 Inch 14 代表 for 1/4 Inch (2) Number of Probes 选择 -3 代表 for 3 Probes -5 代表 for 5 Probes -6 代表 for 6 Probes -8 代表 for 8 Probes -10 代表 for 10 Probes -12 代表 for 12 Probes -16 代表 for 16 Probes
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