美国omega FPB1406叶轮流量计
塑料叶轮流量计 FPB1400 Series 1年保修 新产品! CE PLASTIC PADDLEWHEEL FLOWMETERS FPB1400 Series:PLASTIC PADDLEWHEEL FLOWMETERS 易于安装和操作 可安装在任何方向 只有一个运动部件 视觉流指示 螺纹端口 聚丙烯或聚偏氟乙烯模型 流体流经fpb1400使水车旋转。由于嵌入在桨自旋经过传感器磁铁,电脉冲产生的频率与流量成比例的。每个所需的时间间隔的脉冲数和K值(脉冲/加仑数)使它很容易计算流速和体积通过单元。 SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: ±1% FS Max Temperature: 60°C (140°F) Max Pressure: 10 bar (150 psig) Power: 5 to 24 Vdc @ 2 mA Output Signal: NPN open collector (load 30 mA max) Body Dimensions: 56 H x 108 L x 53 mm D (2.2 x 4.25 x 2.2") Cable: Flow 1.8 m (6'), RTD 0.3 m (1') (-RTD models) RTD: Platinum 0.00385 TCR, meets EN 60751, Class B (-RTD models) Max Pressure Drop: 15 psi on size 2 units 20 psi on all other sizes Viscosity: Calibrated 1 cSt, up to 50 cSt with field calibration Response Time: At 1 sec 10 to 90% of full scale, at 2 sec below 10% of full scale Wetted Materials Polypropylene Models Body: Polypropylene LID: Acrylic Paddlewheel: PVDF Shaft: Nickel tungsten carbide Bearings: Sapphire jewels O-Rings: EPDM RTD: 316 SS casing PVDF Models Body: PVDF LID: PVDF Paddlewheel: PVDF Shaft: Zirconia ceramic Bearings: Sapphire jewels O-Rings: PTFE RTD: 316 SS casing (-RTD models)
产品型号 产品描述 FPB1402 Polypropylene flowmeter FPB1404 Polypropylene flowmeter FPB1406 Polypropylene flowmeter FPB1402-RTD Polypropylene flowmeter FPB1404-RTD Polypropylene flowmeter FPB1406-RTD Polypropylene flowmeter
粤公网安备 44030402001378号