美国omega FTB893-ND流量计
PVDF涡轮流量计 ftb890系列 PVDF涡轮流量计 率和总指示 现场可更换内部零件 聚偏氟乙烯模型FM认证 –电池包括电池操作 用于许多腐蚀性化学物质 欧米茄?ftb890工业仪表涡轮机可用?或1 NPT配件。每个涡轮机的设计与星载计算机的电子和/或一个附加模块,可以连接到各种各样的报告及收集装置。 液体流经涡轮壳体内部转子的旋转引起的。当转子旋转时,电信号的拾取线圈产生。电气信号提供必要的操作的车载电脑电子现场显示输出。显示器可以直接安装在涡轮,或一个附加模块,发送信号到外部设备。
规格: Accuracy: Linear Range: ?" Size: 10:1 @ ±2% of reading; 1" Size: 10:1 @ ±1.5% of reading Extended Range: ?" Size: 20:1 @ ±5.0% of reading; 1" Size: 20:1 @ ±5.0% of reading Repeatability: ±0.3% Pressure Rating: 100 PSIG (6.9 bar) Wetted Components: Housing: PVDF Journal Bearings: Ceramic (98% Alumina) Shaft: Ceramic (98% Alumina) Rotor and Supports: PVDF O-Rings: FKM Operating Temperature Range: With Remote Electronics: -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) No Electronics: -28 to 82°C (-20 to 180°F) Battery Life: 5 years nominal Power: Two 3V lithium batteries (included) Viscosity: Calibrated to 1 cSt (water) meters with display can be used for fluids up to 100 cSt with field calibration FM Approvals: Turbine meters with display and no accessories are FM approved for Class 1 Div. 1 hazardous environments
产品型号/产品描述 FTB891 1/2 FNPT, GPM (LPM), 1.2-12 (4.5-45.4) FTB891-ND 1/2 FNPT, GPM (LPM), 1.2-12 (4.5-45.4) without Display FTB893 1 FNPT, GPM (LPM), 5-50 (18.9-190)** FTB893-ND 1 FNPT, GPM (LPM), 5-50 (18.9-190) without Display ** Field Installable Accessories FLSC790-MA 4-20 mA dc output module FLSC790-P ??Pulse output module (open collector output) FLSC790-P-DC External power module for FLSC790-P (9-30 Vdc) FTB790-RK Remote display kit module FTB790-RK-FM FM approved remote display kit module FLSC790-P-ND ??Pulse output for models without displays (“-ND” suffix) open collector output FLSC790-BATT Replacement batteries FTB891-RK Rotor assembly replacement kit for FTB891 FTB893-RK Rotor assembly replacement kit for FTB893 FTB891-ORING FKM O-ring for FTB891 union fitting FTB893-ORING FKM O-ring for FTB893 union fitting FTB899-ORING Computer Cover O-ring FTB893-DISPLAY Replacement display for the FTB-893 注释: Comes complete with field replaceable rotor, two 3V lithium batteries, and operator's manual. Outputs and accessories are not designed for hazardous environments **Requires Signal Output Module "- FLSC790-P-ND", ordered separately ??Customer supplied pull-up resistor required, 820 ohm (min) Except as noted, options and accessories are for display models only. Only one module can be installed per unit.
粤公网安备 44030402001378号