1/8 DIN数字比例开/管温度控制器 CN1001 5年保修 CE 1/8 DIN数字比例开/管温度控制器 CN1001:1/8 DIN数字比例开/管温度控制器 5-Year Warranty Thermocouple and RTD Input Models Dual Programmable Setpoints Analog Output Standard Latching / Non-Latching Relays Red or Green Display Optional Isolated Analog Output UL Listed, (C), (US) The CN1000 Series combines the features of a controller, monitor and temperature limit alarm into one easy-to-use digital meter for applications that require maximum versatility. The CN1001TC is selectable for J, K, T or J DIN thermocouple input with 1° resolution. The CN1001RTD is selectable for 2, 3, or 4-wire, 100 ohm Platinum RTD inputs (alpha = 0.00385) with 0.1degree resolution. Dual independent setpoints are available and are programmable for proportional or ON/OFF operation. The standard analog output is a retransmission of the temperature input and can be sent to a remote chart recorder, datalogger or data acquisition system.
产品型号 产品描述 CN1001TC-DC10/32 Programmable thermocouple controller with 10 to 32 Vdc power CN1001TC-230V Programmable thermocouple controller, 230V CN1001TC Programmable thermocouple controller CN1001TC-AI Programmable thermocouple controller with isolated analog output CN1001RTD Programmable RTD controller CN1001RTD-AI-230 Programmable RTD controller with power, isolated analog output and 230 Vac power CN1001RTD-GN Programmable RTD controller with power with green LED display Accessories SPC4 NEMA 4 heavy duty splashproof lens with screw clamp SPC18 NEMA 4 splashproof lens with spring clip
产品型号说明 (1) (2) 选项描述 (1) Input Type 选择 CN1001TC 代表 Programmable TC Controller CN1001RTD 代表 Programmable RTD Controller (2) Display Output and Power Options 选择 Nothing(leave field blank) 代表 Standard Unit -AI 代表 Isolated analog output -AI-DC10/32 代表 Isolated analog output with 10 to 32 Vdc power -GN 代表 Green LED Display -GN-230 代表 Green LED Display with 230 Vac power -DC10/32 代表 10 to 32 Vdc power -DC26/56 代表 26 to 56 Vdc power
CN1001TC CN1001TC-230V CN1001TC-AI CN1001TC-AI-230 CN1001TC-AI-DC10/32 CN1001TC-DC10/32 CN1001TC-DC26/56 CN1001TC-GN CN1001TC-GN-230 CN1001RTD CN1001RTD-AI CN1001RTD-AI-230 CN1001RTD-AI-DC10/32 CN1001RTD-DC10/32 CN1001RTD-DC26/56 CN1001RTD-GN CN1001RTD-GN-230
粤公网安备 44030402001378号