FL-1211订货渠道FL-1211 Omega转子流量计
经济型净化转子流量计 Fl-1200 Series 经济型净化转子流量计 ±10%满量程精度 1 / 2%规模重复± 整体针控制阀 侧板施工 直接阅读空气和水尺度 316不锈钢和黄铜结构可用 屏蔽用在加压系统 易于阅读的65毫米(2.6“)的规模 fl-1200流量计提供了一个低成本的流量指示装置。他们是为应用而设计的计量精度的要**不必要的。这些仪表流量测量应用的理想:清洗服务,密封油系统,轴承的润滑,冷却水的指示和其他相关的应用程序。
规格 Length: 65 mm (2.6") Graduations: Direct reading in GPM water or SCFM air CONSTRUCTION Metering Tube: Borosilicate glass Float: 316 stainless steel Float Stops: stainless steel End Fittings and Tube Retaining Adaptor: Chrome-plated brass, 316 stainless steel Side Plates: Chrome-plated brass Packing Material: O-rings: Buna with Brass, FKM with stainless steel Packing: Neoprene with brass, FKM with stainless steel RATINGS Pressure: 13.8 bar (200 psig) maximum Temperature: 121°C (250°F) maximum. Fluid temperatures below 0°C (32°F) will cause frosting of the glass metering tube. Connections: Horizontal female, 3/8 NPT Accuracy: ±10% full scale Repeatability: 0.5% full scale Dimensions: 214 H x 38 W x 116 mm D (8.44 x 1.5 x 4.56")
产品型号/产品描述 空气测量 FL-1201 .34 - 3.4 SCFM FL-1201-B .34 - 3.4 SCFM, with brass ends FL-1202 .6 - 6.0 SCFM FL-1202-B .6 - 6.0 SCFM, with brass ends FL-1203 1.2 - 12 SCFM FL-1203-B 1.2 - 12 SCFM, with brass ends FL-1204 1.5 - 15 SCFM FL-1204-B 1.5 - 15 SCFM, with brass ends 水测量 FL-1210 .08 - .8 GPM FL-1210-B .08 - .8 GPM, with brass ends FL-1211 .15 - 1.5 GPM FL-1211-B .15 - 1.5 GPM, with brass ends FL-1212 .25 - 2.5 GPM FL-1212-B .25 - 2.5 GPM, with brass ends FL-1213 .35 - 3.5 GPM FL-1213-B .35 - 3.5 GPM, with brass ends FL-1214 .5 - 5.0 GPM FL-1214-B .5 - 5.0 GPM, with brass ends
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