Sanwa CD731数字万用表|日本三和CD731数字万用表|日本三和Sanwa数字万用表CD-731询价或索取资料请点击:
0.5%*高准确度 刻度 数据锁定/量程锁定 带保护套(可悬挂/测试线可固定)真有效值检测(AC+DC) #仅CD751 微小电流32U/320•3200UA量程 大电流 20A量程 防止误插入护盖(20A) 睡眠功能(约10分)不可解除 #仅CD751 自动关机(约10分)不可解除 #仅CD731 倾斜座
3-3/4 digits 3200 count■ AC + DC true RMS (CD751 only)■ Wide current measurement function■ Auto/manual measurement with current range■ Auto power save (CD751)■ Auto power off (CD731/CD721)■ W52 x H26.5mm■ Large LCD safety cover for the terminal for large current to avoid mis-insertion■ Holster (for wall hanging and fixing test leads)■ Tilt stand
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