是德科技 Keysight E7405A
全新彩屏。由安捷伦 是德科技出品的带window系统的E7405A。产地美国。我们提供原装进口货
A critical measure of the quality of a wireless network is the performance of the air interface. To understand how well service is delivered to subscribers you must characterize the performance of your network as a function of location. The E7475A GSM-based drive test system collects RF measurement and call performance data versus location. It can be configured for both indoor and outdoor measurements for E-GSM900, DCS1800, GSM1900 and GSM-R networks. Up to four digital receivers and test mobile phones can be integrated in a single Windows® software user interface.
Windows95, Windows98, and Windows NT is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
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