地价供应3585B 天价收购3585B
The Agilent HP 3585Aprovides outstanding low frequency performance from 20Hz to40.1MHz. Within 0.4 dB overall measurement accuracy is maintainedby an internal calibration routine, performed by an internalmicroprocessor. Frequency Span range includes the entire frequencyrange with 0.1Hz resolution. Resolution Bandwidths of 3Hz to 30kHzin 1-3-10 sequence. Amplitude Measurement range from -137 dBm to+30 dBm (50 or 75 ohms) or 31 nV to 22 V (1 Mohm). A dynamic rangeof better than -80 dB. The built-in tracking generator providesoutput levels from 0 dBm to -11 dBm with a single turn knob. The HPAgilent 3585A's CRT readout and microprocessor based controls andinternal microcomputer provides for CRT readout of all controlsettings, digitally stored and refreshed trace, and autoranginginput attenuator.
地价供应3585B 天价收购3585B地价供应3585B 天价收购3585B地价供应3585B 天价收购3585B地价供应3585B 天价收购3585B ————————————————————— 联系人:Siri 白(女士) 电话:: 盛强鼎先仪器特别供应和收购 E系列二手频谱。 eg:e4405b,e4407b,e4408b,e4407b,e4440a,e4411b,e4443a,e4445a,e4446a,e4447a,e4448a,? 联系人:Siri 白(女士) 电话:: ——————————————————————————————