二手频谱分析仪|MS8604A|8GHZ频谱产品指标: 100Hz-8.5GHz 产品信息: The MS8604 offers full test performance inasingle unit capable of evaluating the major characteristicsoftransmitters used in digital motilecommunicationworldwide.Applicable systems arePDC,PHS,PADC,digitalMCA,GSM,DCS1800 (PCN),CT2,DECT,WCPE,PACS,RCRSTD-39 and TETRA. Inaddition,the MS8604A has GMSK and p/4 DQPSKuniversat analysisfunctions for analysis of the GMSK and p/4 DQPSKmodulationsignal.It covers frequencies from100Hz to 8.5GHz andmeasuresspurious emissions over a broad frequency range. It canalsomeasure RF signals directly up to 10W(average burstpower),andbaseband devices can be evaluated using its L/Q signalinputfunction(option).The MS8604A is idesl for high-speedmeasurement ofcarrier frequency, modulatio accuracy,antenna power,leakage powerduring carrier-off, transmission ramp-up and rampdownpower andoccupied bandwidth (adjacent channel power, spuriousemissions, andsignal transmission rate)* ofdigital mobiletransmitters.Inaddition to measurements conforming toEIA/TIA,ETSI,RCR,and MKKstandards,DSP(digital signal processing)and highspeed measurementfunctions based on a unique measurementalgorithm combine togreatly reduce the time required formanufacturing and inspectingtransmitters.PTA functions enablingfree programming of testprocedures are provided as a standardfeature.*:Measurement items depend on the measuremett software .Fordetails,refer to the specifications.
深圳市汉润电子有限公司 联系人: 白志强
深圳市福田区华发北路 30 号电子设计院 4 号楼 601
Tel:0086-755-81660409 Fax:0086-775-83356908
QQ:564729178 贸易通: BZQIANG
E-mail:bzq7430@yahoo.com.cn bzq566@126.com