差压式流量计:1 概 述、2 工作原理、3 分 类、4节流式差压流量计的主要特点、 5 选用考虑要点 、 6 安装注意事项 参 考文 献 1. ISO/CD 5167-1,ISO/CD 5167-2,ISO/CD 5167-3,ISO/CD 5167-4:1999,Measurement of fluid flow by mean of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross section conduits running full, Part1-General, Part2-Orifice plates, Part3-Nozzles and Venturi nozzles, Part4-Venturi tubes 2. ISO/TR3313:1998(type2)Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits-Guideline on the effects of flow pulsation on flow measurement instruments 3. ISO/TR9464:1998(type3) Guidelines for the use of ISO 5167-1:1991 4. ISO/TR12767:1998(type3) Measurement of fluid flow by mean of pressure differential devices-Guidelnies to the effect of departure from the Specification and Operating condition given in ISO 5167-1 5. ISO/TR15377:1998(type3) Measurement of fluid flow by mean of pressure differential devices-Guide for the Specification of nozzles and orifice plates beyond the Scope of ISO 5167--1 6. [美]R.W米勒著.孙延祚译.流量测量工程手册.版.北京:机械工业出版社,1990 7. 刘欣荣编著.流量计.**版.北京:水利电力出版社,1990 8. 翟秀贞等编著.差压型流量计.北京:中国计量出版社,1995 9. 国家计量捡定规程汇编.流量(一)(二)(三).北京:中国计量出版社,1987-1994 10. 孙淮清,王建中编著.流量测量节流装置设计手册.北京:化学工业出版社,2000