A. 产品包括(CONSIST OF) ;
1) Chamber part试验机部件
2) Test Chamber试验箱
3) High Temp. Chamber高温箱
4) Low Temp. Chamber低温箱
5) Instrument panel仪表板
6) Safety device**装置
7) Recorder记录器
A. 产品特征(Features) ;
1. Manufacturing testing equipment based on vacuum insulation for high insulated
2. Over eight times higher insulated performance compare to existing insulation.
3. Maintaining the stable high precision for temperature and humidity.
4. Reliable testing equipment based on vacuum insulation with environmental friendly and high insulated performance.
5. Average diameter for silica basic particle of vacuum insulation is extremely small with 7~40nm and wide surface area with 50~380m2/g. Highest insulated performance display due to low thermal conductivity with three-dimensional type.
真空隔热材料的硅石基本粒子的平均直径为7~40mm,非常小,因为广泛的表面积 (50~380m2/g)和三元形态的特性,热传导率非常低,可以发挥*佳的隔热性能。
6. Vacuum insulation with thermal conductivity of less than 0.0045W/mK Strengthens over eight times insulated performance compare to the same thickness "GA" class insulation.
真空隔热材料热传导率值为0.0045W/mK 以下,具有比同一厚度基准的 “甲”级隔热材料高出8倍以上的隔热性能 。
7. Reliable testing equipment based on vacuum insulation can reduce the thickness of insulated wall conspicuously due to maintaining over eight times for insulated performance compare to existing insulation and be more profitable for energy saving and utilization of the space and secure user space.
B. 产品规格(Specification) ;
1) 试验箱部件(Chamber part)- 内部材料 Material ( in): SUS 304 1.2T Polished plate- 外部材料 Material (out): SS41 steel plate & with baked coating finish- 隔热材料 Insulations : Vacuum insulation for high insulated performance, Poly-urethane foam & glass wool真空隔热材料(VIP), 聚氨酯 及玻璃纤维 。- 试验箱门密封 Test door packing : 双重硅酮密封 Double silicon packing
2) 试验箱(Test Chamber)
- 内箱尺寸 Test chamber dimensions(IN): 400 x 400 x 400 (WxDxH)mm
- 外部尺寸 Test chamber dimensions(out): 1300 x 1650 x 1950 (WxDxH)mm
- 温度实验范围 Test temp. range ;
* 低温试验Low temp. test : -70℃ ~0℃
* 高温实验High temp. test : 65℃ ~ 200℃
- 试验时间 Test time:
* 低温试验Low temp. test: 30min
* 高温试验High temp. test : 30min
- 试验恢复时间 Test restoration time:
* -50℃ ~ 150℃ : 5min
* 150℃ ~ -50℃ : 5min
- 温度偏差范围Temp. variation range : ±0.4℃
- 温度均匀度 Temp. Uniformity: ±0.7℃
- 程序控制器 Program controller:
* 型号 Model : TS-500
* Display Mode : LCD cold touch screen
* 温度设定范围 Temp. setting range : -100℃ ~ 250℃
* 运转模式 Operation mode : Fix value & Pattern program control
* Program pattern & repeat : 99 pattern / 2segment & 9999 cycle
* 警报功能 Alarm function
* 温度感应器Temp. sensor : T - type
3) 高温箱(High Temp. Chamber)
- 温度控制范围 Temp. range : 65℃ ~ 200℃
- 温度上升比率 Temp. heat-up rate : RT ~ 220℃ within 30min
- 温度加热器 Temp. Heater : 12KW
- 循环电机 Circulation motor : AC 380V 3P 50Hz 600Wx2
4) 低温箱(Low Temp. Chamber)
- 温度控制范围Temp. range : 0℃ ~ -70℃
- 温度上升比率Temp. heat-up rate : RT ~ -70℃ within 45min
- 温度加热器Temp. Heater : 6KW
- 循环电机 Circulation motor : AC 380V 3P 50Hz 600Wx2
- 双重结冰系统 Dual freezing system
- 冷冻压缩机 Refrigerator: Compressor 15HP x 2 SET
- 冷却系统 Cooling system: AIR COOLED TYPE
- 制冷剂 Refrigerant : HFC 404a, HFC 23
5) 仪表板(Instrument panel)
- 温度程序控制器Program Temp. controller
- 电源开关 Power S/W, 紧急开关 Emergency S/W, 计时器 Hour meter
- 过热保护Over heat protector
- 透视窗Viewing window: 200*250
6) **装置(Safety device)
- 漏电开关 Electric leakage breaker
- 过热保护Over heat protector
- 循环电机过载继电器Circulation motor over load relay: E.O.C.R
- 冷冻过载继电器Refri. Over load relay
- 冷冻高低温压力开关 Refri. High/Low pressure S/W
- 故障信息 Trouble message
7) 记录器(Recorder)
- 型号Model: SR-10001
- 制造公司 YOKOGAWA. JAPAN (100mm)
8) 电源(Power source) : AC380V / 50HZ 3Phase 18.0KW
9) Warranty
- In the free repair service
- 提供目录 The manual offer
D. 其他事项(Remarks) ;
1) Original catalogue and specification are attached.
2) Installation and a test-run should be performed by a qualified engineer.
设置及试运转由专门领域的专家进行 。
3) one year warranty should be provided after the installation.
4) Electrical service line contruction work to the installation on-site should
be done by the customer. 客户负责把电线设置在设备安装的位置。
5) IN-OUT piping work of water pipe system to the installation on-site should
be done by the customer. 需要供排水设施时,客户负责把进出水管道设置在设备安装的位置。