MMZ-412A MMZ-614A 一面吸附方型永磁微型吸盘 日本KANETEC 型号:MMZ-412A MMZ-614A 品牌:日本KANETEC强力 名称:一面吸附方型永磁微型吸盘 [用途] 作为特殊形状工件的辅助吸附夹具与磁铁吸盘吸盘一起使用,在磨削和轻切削时使用。 属于防滴结构,在电火花加工等的液体中,可用来夹持工件。 [特点] 通过磁力的ON/OFF 切换, 无论是前面或后面均可进行操作。 可在液体中使用。 MMZ-412A MMZ-614A ONE-FACE HOLDING RECTANGULAR PERMANENT MAGNETIC MINI CHUCK [Application] These chucks are used in combination with a magnetic chuck as an auxiliary holding tool for irregularly shaped workpieces in grinding and light duty cutting. These chucks are of drip-proof construction enabling them to hold workpieces in electric discharge machining fluid. [Features] The magnetic force can be turned ON and OFF from either the front side or the rear side. The chucks can be used in fluid.