来自中国科学院动物研究所动物行为与化学通讯组的研究人员的*新论文“Uropygial Gland-SecretedAlkanols Contribute to Olfactory Sex Signals in Budgerigars”就证明了鸟类存在嗅觉的性识别和性信息素。
Uropygial Gland-Secreted Alkanols Contribute to Olfactory SexSignals in BudgerigarsThe possible role of uropygial gland-secreted compounds inolfactory discrimination of sex or sex attractants in thebudgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus, was investigated usingbehavioral 2-choice tests and gas chromatography–mass spectrometryanalysis. Our data showed that female budgerigars were capable ofdistinguishing males from females in a Y maze via body odor,indicating its sexual dimorphism. When we conducted a chemicalassay of the uropygial preen gland secretions, we found 4 timesmore volatile octadecanol, nonadecanol, and eicosanol in ratios inmales than in females, making them putative male pheromonecandidates. Female birds also showed overt preferences for the odorof male preen gland secretions or the 3-alkanol blend equivalentpreened onto the plumage of a male over that of femalecounterparts. Removal of any one alkanol was associated with a lossof attractiveness to the female. In another test device (a testcage) with visible male bird stimulus, females chose the male withthe 3-alkanol blend of males over the other male with female preengland secretion, whereas did not differentiate their responsesbetween the males with either this blend or male preen glandsecretions. The behavioral data robustly suggested that the 3alkanols synergistically created a female attractant odor or malepheromone in the budgerigar and that bird uropygial glands havebroader implications in sexual behavior than previously known. Thisis the first investigation with bioassay of components of the glandin a bird species.