领导这一研究的是哥伦比亚大学顾伟教授,其早年毕业于北京大学,92年赴美深造,后留任哥伦比亚大学大学,目前他主要从事p53在肿瘤抑制和老化两方面的课题研究。他在p53领域有着杰出的成就,在Nature、Cell、Science、Mol.Cell、Mol Cell Biol等高水平杂志发表论文数十篇。
传统观点认为p53激活路径分三步,1. p53蛋白稳定化(p53 stabilization);2. 与DNA结合(DNAbinding);3. 转录激活(Transcriptionalactivation)。然而,旧的理论已经不再适应新的研究结论,研究发现p53激活路径中每一步都比我们所想象的要复杂得多。以小鼠为模型的活体遗传性研究和体外实验研究结果表明,传统的观点不能解释很多现象,因此为了**建立p53的调节网路理论,必须更新对p53的看法。顾伟提出抗阻抑作用(释放细胞因子,如Mdm2和MdmX,防止p53释放受阻)是激活p53的关键步骤。
Transcription-independent ARF regulation in oncogenicstress-mediated p53 responsesThe tumour suppressor ARF is specifically required for p53activation under oncogenic stress1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Recent studiesshowed that p53 activation mediated by ARF, but not that induced byDNA damage, acts as a major protection against tumorigenesis invivo under certain biological settings7, 8, suggesting that theARF–p53 axis has more fundamental functions in tumour suppressionthan originally thought. Because ARF is a very stable protein inmost human cell lines, it has been widely assumed that ARFinduction is mediated mainly at the transcriptional level and thatactivation of the ARF–p53 pathway by oncogenes is a much slower andlargely irreversible process by comparison with p53 activationafter DNA damage. Here we report that ARF is very unstable innormal human cells but that its degradation is inhibited incancerous cells. Through biochemical purification, we identified aspecific ubiquitin ligase for ARF and named it ULF. ULF interactswith ARF both in vitro and in vivo and promotes thelysine-independent ubiquitylation and degradation of ARF. ULFknockdown stabilizes ARF in normal human cells, triggeringARF-dependent, p53-mediated growth arrest. Moreover, nucleophosmin(NPM) and c-Myc, both of which are commonly overexpressed in cancercells, are capable of abrogating ULF-mediated ARF ubiquitylationthrough distinct mechanisms, and thereby promote ARF stabilizationin cancer cells. These findings reveal the dynamic feature of theARF–p53 pathway and suggest that transcription-independentmechanisms are critically involved in ARF regulation duringresponses to oncogenic stress.