研究人员使用化学、电生理及行为试验方法,发现(Z)-9-二十三烯是北京幽灵蛛 (Pholcus beijingensis)的求偶期雄蛛全提取液中特有的化合物成分,这种物质能够刺激成熟雌蛛步足跗节的化学感受器产生电位反应。行为试验结果显示(Z)-9-二十三烯对交配期雌蛛没有吸引性,不会激发交配期雌蛛的捕猎行为,但暴露于(Z)-9-二十三烯环境的雌成蛛与对照组相比更易于与寻偶雄蛛交配,其配对雄蛛的求偶时间显著缩短。
Male-specific (Z)-9-tricosene stimulates female mating behaviourin the spider Pholcus beijingensisChemical signals play an important role in spider sexualcommunication, yet the chemistry of spider sex pheromones remainspoorly understood. Chemical identification of male-producedpheromone-mediating sexual behaviour in spiders has also, to ourknowledge, not been reported before. This study aimed to examinewhether chemically mediated strategies are used by males of thespider Pholcus beijingensis for increasing the probability ofcopulation. Based on data from gas chromatography–mass spectrometryanalysis, electroantennography assay and a series of behaviouraltests, we verified that (Z)-9-tricosene is a male-specific compoundin the spider P. beijingensis. This compound acts as anaphrodisiac: it increases the likelihood that a female will mate.Mate-searching males release (Z)-9-tricosene to stimulate sexualbehaviour of conspecific females. In the two-choice assay, however,sexually receptive females show no preference to the chamberscontaining (Z)-9-tricosene. This indicates that the male pheromoneof P. beijingensis is not an attractant per se to the conspecificfemales. This is, to our knowledge, the first identification of amale-produced aphrodisiac pheromone in spiders.