这一技术突破犹如久旱逢甘雨。**个敲除小鼠创建于1989年,主要利用了胚胎干细胞同源重组技术——这项技术获得了2007的诺贝尔生理/医学奖,首先把目的基因和与细胞内靶基因特异片段同源的DNA分子都重组到带有标记基因(如neo 基因,TK基因等)的载体上,成为重组载体。然后将重组载体通过一定的方式(电穿孔法或显微注射)导入同源的胚胎干细胞(EScell)中,使外源DNA与胚胎干细胞基因组中相应部分发生同源重组,将重组载体中的DNA序列整合到内源基因组中,从而得以表达。
原文摘要:Production of p53 gene knockout rats by homologous recombination inembryonic stem cellsThe use of homologous recombination to modify genes in embryonicstem (ES) cells provides a powerful means to elucidate genefunction and create disease models1. Application of this technologyto engineer genes in rats has not previously been possible becauseof the absence of germline-competent ES cells in this species. Wehave recently established authentic rat ES cells2, 3. Here wereport the generation of gene knockout rats using the ES-cell-basedgene targeting technology. We designed a targeting vector todisrupt the tumour suppressor gene p53 (also known as Tp53) in ratES cells by means of homologous recombination. p53 gene-targetedrat ES cells can be routinely generated. Furthermore, the p53gene-targeted mutation in the rat ES-cell genome can transmitthrough the germ line via ES-cell rat chimaeras to create p53 geneknockout rats. The rat is the most widely used animal model inbiological research4, 5, 6, 7. The establishment of gene targetingtechnology in rat ES cells, in combination with advances ingenomics and the vast amount of research data on physiology andpharmacology in this species, now provide a powerful new platformfor the study of human disease.